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Everyday Safety and Convenience through Cutting-Edge Technology: Seongdong’s Smart Shelter & Crosswalk

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Smart shelter
Seongdong District’s smart shelter applies smart technologies to the bus stop to provide not only real-time traffic information but also 18 useful services, including public Wi-Fi and phone charging.

Smart crosswalk
Seongdong District’s smart crosswalk uses cutting-edge technologies (in-ground traffic light, pedestrian traffic light, voice guidance, etc.) to prevent accidents caused by pedestrians using smart phones while walking and protect children and seniors.

Innovation Summary

Innovation Overview

In Korea, the effects of climate change are tangible year-round, especially through fine dust emissions and record-breaking heat or extreme cold. Seongdong District Office made several attempts over the years to improve the convenience of residents (e.g. installing sun shelters, wind-blocking bus stops). However, it has been difficult to use budget and administrative power efficiently as these measures were operated separately.
The smart shelter was developed as a “bus stop of the future” as a solution to these complex urban problems.
First, a resident survey was conducted to gather various opinions, including requests for improvements to existing bus stops.
Then, Living Lab activities—where residents participated to discover the transportation services they wanted and supplement their functions—were carried out.
The smart shelter’s key features are as follows:
● Traffic information and real-time bus arrival times via display panel, wired/wireless phone charging, smart services (free public Wi-Fi)
● Two thermal imaging cameras (adult, child) linked to the automatic door, UV air sanitizing, automatic hand sanitizers (adult, child)
● Smart safety systems (intelligent CCTV, emergency bell, etc.) to prevent crime during high-crime times of day (e.g. late night)

In 2019, a traffic accident involving a child in a school zone raised the need for preventive measures and safety systems for pedestrians using crosswalks.
This prompted Seongdong District Office to come up with the smart crosswalk project to prevent traffic accidents caused by smartphone use while walking and protect the vulnerable, especially children and the elderly.
Big data were used to determine installation sites for the smart crosswalks, with priority given to areas with large floating populations or high numbers of traffic accidents. The crosswalks utilize cutting-edge technologies (IoT, ICT) and are equipped with eight functions, including smart lighting, automatic license plate recognition, and audio guidance for pedestrian signals. The stop line violation notification has proven especially effective, resulting in an 84.3% decrease in stop line violations compared to before the smart crosswalks were installed.

Innovation Description

What Makes Your Project Innovative?

Seongdong District was the first in Korea to implement the smart shelter and crosswalk. By utilizing cutting-edge technologies such as IoT and ICT to improve residents’ quality of life, Seongdong District realized its vision of “smart and inclusive city that brings happiness to all”.
One noteworthy feature of both is that they can be controlled in real time. CCTV footage is sent to integrated control tower, where the facilities are monitored on a 24-hour basis by trained personnel. This allows relevant agencies (police, fire station) to respond immediately in the event of emergency.

What is the current status of your innovation?

Currently, there are 52 smart shelters in operation (24 small, 28 medium-sized). In 2023, the annual number of users has exceeded 2.09 million, an increase of more than 10% compared to the previous year. Seongdong District will be expanding the project by installing three more smart shelter in 2024. In addition, all of shelters will be equipped with AEDs for improved safety, and hearing loops will be installed in many to assist the hearing-impaired. Smart shelters will continue to be modified to make them more convenient for the public.
Currently, there are 78 smart crosswalks in operation, with plans underway for one more to be installed in 2024.
Furthermore, to make Seongdong District an even safer smart transportation hub, additional staff will be hired for CCTV monitoring of both projects.

Innovation Development

Collaborations & Partnerships

Seongdong District Office, in collaboration with Seongdong Police Station, selected where to install smart shelters by prioritizing crime-prone areas. The emergency button installed in the shelter can be pressed to contact an integrated control tower or police station.
Since smart crosswalks feature various technologies, cooperation with various departments was required for site selection, focus lighting, program development, and CCTV installation.

Users, Stakeholders & Beneficiaries

The smart shelters and crosswalks benefit not only the transportation-vulnerable (children, seniors) but all residents. Both have resulted in decreases in traffic accidents/casualties and crime rates. These are two of Seongdong District’s most tangible and satisfying projects for residents. Thanks to these facilities, residents are feeling more comfortable and safer than ever before when using public transportation or crossing the street.

Innovation Reflections

Results, Outcomes & Impacts

By serving as a refuge in an emergency situation, the smart shelter has helped reduce Seongdong District’s crime index by 23.7% and been given a 95% satisfaction rating by residents. It has also been featured as an innovation story in leading international media for providing a blueprint for the bus shelter of the future.
Since the installation of smart crosswalks, the number of vehicles violating the crosswalk stop line has decreased by 84.3%, and the number of pedestrian traffic accidents has decreased by 21.5%, contributing to the safety of residents in their daily lives. According to a resident survey, 88.4% said it is effective in preventing traffic accidents, and it is being adopted by other local governments and private companies.

Challenges and Failures

A bus stop is usually regarded only as a place to wait or post advertisements. This notion made it difficult, in the project’s early days, to build consensus on the need for smart shelters. However, through continuous communication and consultation with the central government and residents, we have built consensus and secured financial support to continue the project. A more compact (smaller) smart shelter was developed and installed in areas with narrow, sloping terrain.
The installation of the crosswalks required consultation and deliberation with related organizations, such as the National Police Agency. We visited related organizations several times to discuss the installation.

Conditions for Success

Smart shelters and crosswalks are multi-functional facilities, and collaboration between relevant departments is thus paramount. It was vital to have clear roles for each department responsible for installation, CCTV monitoring, and maintenance as the facilities age. The work does not end with installation: the facilities must be constantly monitored to make sure they are being used properly, and feedback on problems must be addressed in a timely manner. In addition, securing a sufficient budget and local support are also necessary to move forward with the project.


Smart shelters and smart crosswalks have been featured as innovations in various local governments and public institutions since their inception. More than 20 local governments have benchmarked the facilities. In particular, the smart shelter has been covered by leading international media such as the AP, AFP, CNN, Reuters, and The Guardian, among others.
In 2023, both were submitted to a public administration innovation contest hosted by the Ministry of the Interior and Safety. Seongdong District Office was selected as an “Innovative Organization,” which served as an opportunity for other local governments in Korea to learn about these innovative facilities.

Lessons Learned

The smart shelters and crosswalks reflect Seongdong District’s vision of creating a city where no one is left behind and the socially vulnerable are embraced using smart technology. The ultimate goal of technological advancement is to create a society where everyone is happy, and innovation starts with alleviating everyday discomforts.
Also, the effectiveness of technology can be maximized by engaging and communicating with residents to solve local problems.
Even more fruitful innovations can be achieved by applying smart technologies to a variety of areas in everyday life and allowing such technologies to improve the daily routines of all residents.

Supporting Videos

Year: 2019
Level of Government: Local government


  • Diffusing Lessons - using what was learnt to inform other projects and understanding how the innovation can be applied in other ways

Innovation provided by:


Date Published:

22 July 2024

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