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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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Innovation Conference: Save the Date (20-21 Nov) & Seeking Talks

The OECD’s OPSI and our partners at the European Commission are excited to convene innovators from around the world for a conference on “Innovation in Government: The New Normal” on 20-21 November 2017 a the OECD Conference Centre in Paris, France. We’re lining up a lot of fantastic speakers – would you like to be one?

Interested in sharing the event with your friends? Feel free to share this page or download the flyer.

Innovation in Government: The New Normal will highlight insights from OPSI’s work with countries that are transforming their operations and improving the lives of their people through innovation. It will bring together government leaders, public servants, and innovative partners in industry and civil society to connect, share experiences, and collaborate.

Pre-Register Today

If you’re interested in attending the conference, you just need to complete a quick Pre-Registration form.  OPSI staff will review the registrations and confirm final registration details by 15 September 2017. 

Want to Give a Talk?

As you can see on the agenda (below), we have spots available for our “Talks” tracks. We’re looking for innovators from the government and its partners to give interesting and inspiring talks on innovation examples and experiences. Have something you’d like give a talk about? Simply indicate your interest on the pre-registration form. We’ll review the self-nominations and be in touch soon about the potential for a talk. 

Want to Learn More?

We look forward to seeing you in Paris! Please direct any questions to [email protected] or @OPSIgov. We also encourage you to join our OPSI LinkedIn community to exchange ideas with fellow innovators and our newsletter to receive innovation updates.


The draft agenda is available here (and embedded below). We will be finalising the agenda, including speakers, over the coming weeks. The agenda page will be updated regularly, and later this summer, conference attendees will be able to build their own custom agendas and register for various sessions and workshops on the same platform.