Last week, I spoke about city innovation at SXSW (South by South West) festival as part of its inaugural Cities Summit program. SXSW is an annual design, technology, and innovation conference held in Texas. Typically viewed as a place for Silicon Valley startups to launch their latest disruptive product (like Twitter, which debuted there in 2007), SXSW is also getting a name for itself as a place where we have important conversations about public sector...
We’re seeking volunteers to serve as user testers as we design and develop and new case study platform. If you’re interested, please let us know at [email protected]. OPSI is in the process if rebuilding its website. If you’re reading this blog, you’re already getting a peek! We’ve completely designed and developed a new front page, blog, and interactive community platform. This website is currently in beta and we will be refining the features and content in the...
Some things are so small that they can seem completely insignificant. A misplaced letter perhaps. Take, for instance, the letter L. But in the English language a missing ‘l’ can transform a word. Such as the word “public”. Why do I mention this? Because once upon a time in my public sector career, there was a report from the area that I was working in that was published, and where the letter ‘l’ was indeed...
This blog was authored by former intern, Théo Bourgery OPSI is seeking your comments and edits on a draft working paper “Blockchains Unchained: The Implications of Blockchain Technologies for the Public Sector”. Let us know what you think by 20 March! Blockchain technology has evolved from a niche subject to the hottest tech disruption buzzword, but there is still a lot of confusion around the subject. Without a clear understanding about what blockchains are, their…
OPSI took advantage of the convening of public sector innovation leaders and practitioners at the November 2017 OPSI conference to host a workshop to learn how innovators approach new ways of doing things in their organisations. We learned a lot that will feed into development of our resources. We also want to offer you the tools and artifacts we used so that you can conduct a similar workshop. This blog post is part of a...
We are happy to announce that OECD Secretary-General Angel Gurría launched OPSI’s report “Embracing Innovation in Government: Global Trends 2018” today at the World Government Summit! The event in Dubai is the largest annual gathering in the world focused on shaping the future of governments through innovation. The report is the result of a global innovation review conducted by OPSI in partnership with UAE’s Mohammed Bin Rashid Centre for Government Innovation (MBRCGI). The review…
We suspect that the world does not need another toolkit. There, I said it. This hunch is reinforced when I am met with wincing but affirming smiles each time the topic emerges in conversation with public sector innovators. We want to move beyond the innovation toolkit Hi, my name is Angela Hanson, I am a design lead at the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI). My work involves innovation methods and tools, a topic...
The case for public sector innovation has been steadily growing for years. Citizens’ expectations continue to grow and evolve, and governments need to rethink and re-imagine how they deliver value to citizens. These were some of the strongest underlying themes that arose in the discussions at OPSI’s 2017 Innovation Conference. To make this a reality, governments cannot afford for innovation capabilities to be exclusively in the hands of hired private sector consultants or a select...
On the 21st and 22nd of November, over 500 participants from all around the world gathered in Paris to share skills, experiences, practices and knowledge at the OPSI conference, with the one focus in mind: making innovation in government the ‘new normal’. The theme of the conference Innovation in Government: The New Normal (#opsi2017) came from the belief that innovative people and practices certainly exist in government, but they are not yet mainstreamed as they should be....
This blog was written by Nicolas Zahn, Former Consultant, Digital Government Team at the OECD At a recent OECD Conference, speakers from various backgrounds joined forces to discuss what role public policy plays in supporting the development and implementation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to benefit societies. Although we are standing at the beginning of a transformation, AI already has an impact on our everyday lives and hence complex questions arise from data governance over labour...