Innovative response
Canadians have kicked off a ‘caremongering’ trend, using localised Facebook groups in which people can post #ISO posts (‘in search of’ help requests), or #offer posts, enabling people to acquire important medical or household goods that they may not have been able to find for health or mobility reasons.
Specific issues addressed and anticipated impact
With social isolation increasingly encouraged, many people increasingly have certain needs that are difficult to attend to. For example, elderly people, people at greater risk to the virus, or people with mobility problems, may struggle now to do the necessary food shopping. This problem is difficult and so localised that governments will struggle to legislate for it. As a result, people in local communities are coming together to offer their help to people who need it, through these new platforms.
Organisations/institutions involved
- Non-Profit/Civil Society
Issues being addressed:
- Social effects of the crisis
Date Submitted:
20 March 2020