Innovative response
In Portugal, the public sector, in two or three days was put into peoples's homes. It was a real task-force that put in cooperation everyone; some of us are using personal private pc and internet home service but everyone accepts that we all must help in some way. Working from home from one day to another is not a easy task when you have children, little ones, at home, too, trying to learn using these pc too, making omework, teachers are sending them, using new tools (they are our heroes too, as long as well as all the peopple in the front line of health response). But that is a unique time and this is our small battle, as long as we are healthy. It was for me a very good test of innovation and resilience. We are doing our jobs, maybe giving away the same quality and quantity expected. Meanwhile all the people, makers around the country, with 3d printers, are cooperating and giving away their time and resources, to answer the needs of individual protection equipment for doctors and nurses and workers leading with patientes. Real Subsidiarity.
Specific issues addressed and anticipated impact
This solutions are making a real revolution, Making home from home helps the environment and families. Productivity may increase and helps the local commerce where people live, decentralizing wealth.
Organisations/institutions involved
All the portuguese public sector responded; many in the private sector too.
Potential issues
Labour laws must be reviewd; leaders must me free and responsible; society must understand the economic value of the solidarity; economists and academics must study these actions so they recognize their impacts in the economy.
- National/Federal government
- Regional/State government
- Local government
- Non-Profit/Civil Society
Issues being addressed:
- Resource management and mobilisation
- Governance responses
- Public service delivery under new circumstances
- Crowdsourcing solutions
- Social effects of the crisis
Response contact:
Date Submitted:
27 March 2020