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Covid-19 Temporary Wage Subsidy Scheme

Innovative response

The Irish Tax Authorities are operating a Temporary Wage Subsidy Scheme. The scheme, enables employees, whose employers are affected by the pandemic, to receive significant supports directly from their employer through their payroll system. The scheme is expected to last 12 weeks from 26 March 2020.

Specific issues addressed and anticipated impact

Maintaining the employment relationship between the employer and the employee using a reverse payment to employers via the taxation system (instead of using unemployment payments). This will enable smoother return to business post-crisis.

Organisations/institutions involved

Revenue Commissioners, Department of Finance, Department of Public Expenditure and Reform, Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection

Potential issues

Anticipated issues are outlined in Q&A document which can be found at link provided

Level(s) of government:
  • National/Federal government

Issues being addressed:

  • Public service delivery under new circumstances
  • Supporting citizens who have been summarily unemployed

Response contact:

[email protected]

Date Submitted:

8 April 2020