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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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Hack the Crisis – Czech Republic

Innovative response

The Czech government launched an online hackathon "Hack the crisis" where companies or citizens can apply with their innovative solutions regarding the Covid-19 crisis.

The aim of the hackathon is to support projects that arise from various initiatives and that are in line with the needs and priorities of the state. The hackathon involves all relevant components of the state who want to coordinate support projects in the application of solutions and also give perspective on their need.

Specific issues addressed and anticipated impact

The Coronavirus outbreak forces governments to search for innovative solutions from new sources, due to the systemic nature of the threat, the speed at which the situation is changing, and the capacity of government.

A virtual hackathon allows people from across geographies to work together, in an agile and creative environment, to come up with new innovative solutions.

Organisations/institutions involved

We connect Czech Republic, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Transport, Government Office, the Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic

Level(s) of government:
  • National/Federal government

Issues being addressed:

  • Crowdsourcing solutions

Response tags:

Date Submitted:

8 April 2020