Innovative response
Match for Healthcare is a simple and efficient digital interface between medical facilities and professionals. It is an interface that allows supporters and those in need to quickly and easily connect with each other. "match4healthcare" is the ideal tool for quick and efficient networking of supporters and facilities and especially now the state-of-the-art solution.
Publicly, the platform offers a form for people to offer their help depending on their medical training, for organisations to register their need for help, and a map for people to consult of where volunteers have offered help from.
It has been developed by students as an open source project. It was built as part of the German Government's national hackathon (#wirsvsvirus). The platform started in Germany but is also in use in Austria.
Specific issues addressed and anticipated impact
As public health workers are an increasingly important resource to be managed for countries and health systems, this platform will allow professionals and organisations in need to directly connect to each other to improve the distribution of health professionals, and ultimately the level of healthcare services on offer.
Organisations/institutions involved
Medical Students vs. Covid19'; BVMD (Federal Representation of Medical Students in Germany) ; match4everyone hackathon team; Budesregierung (The Cabinet of Germany)
- National/Federal government
- Non-Profit/Civil Society
Issues being addressed:
- Resource management and mobilisation
- Crowdsourcing solutions
Date Submitted:
14 April 2020