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National COVID-19 Integrated Information System


Innovative response

The National COVID-19 Integrated IS represents software support for performing epidemiological surveillance related to the COVID-19. The application enables the registration of all persons tested for the SARS-CoV-2 virus on the territory of the Republic of Serbia. The beneficiaries of the application are health care institutions of primary, secondary and tertiary level, as well as laboratories that perform sample testing, public health institutes, sanitary inspectors and the Ministry of Health.

The National IS COVID-19 was established and managed by the Institute of Public Health with the technical support of the Office for the IT and eGovernment and the Health Insurance Fund. It enables the aggregation of data from the original official records kept by health institutions in which they are hospitalized for persons suffering from COVID-19 disease, institutes of public health, as well as laboratories that perform tests, which enter data in the system. Data are kept at the level of one or more units of local self-government, ie in accordance with the territories of institutes and institutes for public health. Those who are tested can also receive a confirmation of the test result in electronic form by e-mail.

Specific issues addressed and anticipated impact

In order to prepare reports and publish anonymized data for the public, the Institute of Public Health submits appropriate data to the Ministry of Health on a daily basis until 2 pm for the period ending the previous day at 24 hours, as well as in anonymous form to the Office for the IT and eGovernment on date, local self-government unit, gender, age, and other statistical data by demographic parameters. The software application also automatically sends data to the Self-Insulation Software in the Ministry of the Interior in the event that it is necessary to supervise the implementation of the imposed measure of home insulation.

Organisations/institutions involved

Ministry of Health
Institute of Public Health
Office for the IT and eGovernment
Health Insurance Fund

Level(s) of government:
  • National/Federal government

Issues being addressed:

  • Patient care
  • Information and practice sharing (with public and/or internal)
  • Real-time data collection, sharing, and analysis

Response contact:

[email protected]

Response tags:


Date Submitted:

26 May 2020