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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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Provide the Continuing Environmental Protection in the time of COVID-19

Innovative response

Continuing Environmental Protection in the time of COVID-19

Specific issues addressed and anticipated impact

"Provider of continuing the environmental protection - All taken measures are based on Presidential Decree no. 195/16.03.2020, regarding the establishment of emergency state in Romania, extended by Presidential Decree no. 240/14.04.2020;
a) During the emergency state, where is possible, central and local public institutions and authorities, autonomous administrative authorities, autonomous administrations, national societies and companies in which the state or administrative-territorial unit is the majority stockholder or sole shareholder, private commercial companies introduce teleworking or work at home, by unilateral act of the employer. Solution: general public and economic operators send its requests and enquiries by fax, postal mail or e-mail. We established specific continuity plans for optimal activity. Approximately one half of staff is present in the office and one half use teleworking or work at home.

b) During the emergency state, as much as possible, central and local public institutions and authorities take measures by organizing the activities in order to be avoided direct contact between persons, including electronic means of communication. Solution: Approximately one half of staff is present in the office and one half use teleworking or work at home.

c) Public authorities and institutions establish the measures that are required to ensure the optimal performance of the activity, in compliance with the sanitary discipline rules established by the authorities with attributions in the field, including through the decisions of the National Committee on Special Emergency Situations, with priority being to ensure prevention and reduce the risk of disease. Solution: All employees comply with the sanitary discipline rules established by the authorities with attributions in the field (e.g. Ministry of Health)."

Organisations/institutions involved

National Environmental Protection Agency and its subordinated agencies

Potential issues


Relevant URL(s):

Level(s) of government:
  • National/Federal government

Issues being addressed:

  • Governance responses

Date Submitted:

11 May 2020