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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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Validation that this is an official OECD website can be found on the Innovative Government page of the corporate OECD website.


PROMPT – Design for Policy Toolkit

The Design for Policy toolkit PROMPT is targeted toward policymakers who wish to identify where design can add value to the policy cycle process by enhancing user and citizen participation. The majority of the design tools included in the resource are common qualitative research and design methods and follow a gradual shift in emphasis from data-centred policy to people-powered policy, according to the publishers. PROMPT has been collaboratively developed by PDR - International Design and…

SISCODE toolbox for co-creation journeys

Champion CHAMPION:
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The main goal of the SISCODE Toolbox is to provide support for the co-creation labs in making sense of existing data, tools and toolkits. Co-creation is a non-linear process that involves multiple actors and stakeholders in the ideation, implementation and assessment of product services, policies and systems. The resource aims to improve their efficiency and effectiveness, and the satisfaction of those who take part in the process. The SISCODE Toolbox aims to facilitate the design and…

Remodel – A toolkit for open source business models

Champion CHAMPION:
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The REMODEL toolkit is targeted at companies producing products and is focused on developing economically sustainable business models through the principle of open source. While the toolkit is private-sector-oriented, some of the co-creation principles and methods can also apply to some areas of the public sector. The toolkit was published based on the experience of REMODEL with 8 Danish companies in 2018. The toolkit consists of 7 work packages and each part has a step-by-step instruction and a…

The DIN model

Basic BASIC:
Allows reuse
The DIN model is a methodology for developing solutions using a design-driven approach with the goals of achieving better and more innovative processes and outcomes, increasing probability of implementation, and improving user satisfaction. The model helps explore all the potential pitfalls, possibilities and limitations, particularly in the "front end" or early stage of projects. The DIN model consists of a series of phases and four ‘gates’. Each phase contains a variety of activities and…

Australia’s BizLab Human Centered Design Curriculum

Hero HERO:
Editable source files available
Australia's BizLab, within the Department of Industry, Innovation, and Science, was established in 2016 and launched BizLab Academy in 2018. The goal of the academy is to teach Human Centred Design (HCD) to department employees, but also the rest of the Australian Public Service. The academy aims to strengthen the public sector's capability for evidence-based policy and service design while at the same time instilling a citizen-centric culture and building an alumni of human centred design…

Designing Out Problems

This is a free, self-paced, 3-5 hour course designed to build your capacity for bringing a design approach to complex problems. The course is intended to: develop a design mindset, define a problem, and dig deep and clarify problems. The publisher also includes downloadable toolkits as part of the course.

Legal Design Toolbox

This is a set of resources for designers who are approaching legal challenges with a creative, generative, human-centered approach. The toolbox provides guides, tools, and examples to help you scope & tackle these challenges with design. It includes a Legal Communication Design Toolbox, a Legal Design Pattern Library, and a Legal Product Typology. It covers policy prototyping, visual design, and data visualisation.

Open Innovation Toolkit

Hero HERO:
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A community sourced set of best practices and principles to help incorporate human-centered design into a product development process. The website contains dozens of methods organised by process, difficulty, time required, and outcomes. Each method contains an overview, detailed, steps, resources, and examples or cases. The methods are framed in terms of private sector product or service development but can be adapted to a public sector context.

Inclusive Design Cards

Hero HERO:
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Inclusive design is designing for the full range of human diversity in ability, language, income, culture, gender, age and other characteristics. This toolkit includes a series of cards to use early in a design process to help sketch, plan, prototype and design content, interactions and processes. It covers inclusive physical, audio, visual, and thought experiences. PDF and editable Word document available via the publisher's Github page.

Evaluating Innovation Toolkit

Champion CHAMPION:
Can be remixed
This resource is a series of tools to help clarify, plan, collect, and use data, information and evidence to evaluate an innovation as well as spread the learnings and results. It is intended to be used throughout a project to incorporate evaluative and intentional processes and feedback loops.