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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

How to validate authenticity

Validation that this is an official OECD website can be found on the Innovative Government page of the corporate OECD website.

This resource is a guide to amplify global health impact from the perspective of a development organisation. It builds on the successes of USAID's work and lays out practical ways to identify opportunities to apply innovation to solve real problems using a portfolio approach. The resource has been co-developed with significant input from USAID colleagues across their health offices, and captures best practices and innovation opportunities, dispels myths and highlights examples of and resources…

Data Playbook Beta

Hero HERO:
Editable source files available
The resource was developed for IFRC and National Societies to develop their literacy around data, but it could easily be applied to other organisations. It aims to promote responsible data use and develop data readiness. It has been tailored based on these audiences: The Data Curious, who needs an ‘on ramp’ to learn and be exposed to the data basics. The Data Advocate, who sees relevance and and wants to improve their skills and/or offer support. The Data Active, who are motivated to…


Hero HERO:
Editable source files available
DemTools is a suite of free, open source software solutions developed by NDITech and distributed for supporting democracy building efforts around the world. The software includes contact management, issue tracking, crowdsourcing, election monitoring, open data, and petition development tools. These were built with the developing world in mind but can also be used in other contexts. An associated DemTools Guide Book offers an overview of each of the suite of tools, including use cases, user…

Open Government Costing Tool

The Open Government Costing Tool is a Microsoft Excel based application designed to support the collection and calculation of the cost of open government programs. This tool was created as a companion to the Open Government Costing Framework and Methods, which details an approach to estimating the cost of open government programs. This tool is a template in which users can directly enter data collected on input units and unit costs of an open government program and automatically generate an…

Growing government innovation labs: an insider’s guide

This resource gives the real story of how government innovation labs develop in the development context in Eurasia, Asia and Middle East: organic and people-driven, often operating under the radar until safe to emerge. It shares a truthful examination of the twists and turns of seeding, starting up and scaling labs, covering the challenges UNDP faced and their failures, as much as their successes. It includes in-depth histories and lessons regarding 4 UNDP innovation labs. The resource is meant…
The Sustainable Livelihoods Approach (SLA) is a method of analysing and changing the lives of people experiencing poverty and disadvantage. It is a participatory approach based on the recognition that all people have abilities and assets that can be developed to help them improve their lives. The SLA Toolkit For Wales provides practical tools to help people with participatory community development. The toolkit describes what the SLA approach is and how it can be used. The appendices then contain…

Assessing Innovation Potential for Social Impact

The resource is intended for those working in the international development or social impact space to assesses the future impact that innovation can deliver in a system. It focuses on three "systems": The Problem Space, The Innovation Space, The Context. It's goals are to precipitate better understanding of the problem of focus and the context in which it exists, assess enablers and barriers to innovation, track system change over time, and assess the impact of a program ex post facto. It…
This field guide introduces human-centred design as an approach to addressing challenges related to community demand for services (specifically immunization services, but it could be applied to others). This Field Guide exists to help investigate, understand and respond to challenges of demand. It draws on insights from behavioural science and employs human-centred methods to improve immunization outcomes. Includes a 170 page field manual, process map, and workbook with tools. Its process…

UNDP Foresight Manual

This manual introduces strategic foresight as a practice in the context of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. It was created with consideration for the resource constraints in developing country contexts, so proposes light-touch and low-cost methods. However, it could easily be applied elsewhere. The manual features a selection of methods and techniques suited for framing development or policy discussions, but there are many methods and techniques available that are considered part of…

Improved Innovation Decision Making

Basic BASIC:
Allows reuse
The IIDM Toolset was designed as a guide for organisations and individuals seeking to build the capacity of problem solvers to innovate and collaborate more effectively. The Toolset addresses two key components: (1) cultivating an innovator’s mindset, and (2) improving the processes that support decision making along the journey from idea to impact. The publisher asserts that both of these ingredients are vital for decision making to yield improved innovation. The Toolset offers users…