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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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Validation that this is an official OECD website can be found on the Innovative Government page of the corporate OECD website.



Basic BASIC:
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A tool to help cities and public administrations better orient and diagnose themselves regarding their innovation profile and maturity. The tool includes a self-analysis quiz, a map to help navigate concepts and trends and compose your a custom menu. It also includes guidance for setting an innovation strategy. Sonar comes in the form of a newspaper printed in A2 format that can be used in a group setting . This resource is available in French.

Comment-Faire: Le Jeu

Champion CHAMPION:
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Designed with the assistance of the CNFPT and the DGAFP, this game is inspired by "Chutes & Ladders": a board game where the team must realize the major stages of their project, and sometimes encounters ladders (these "little miracles" that win several boxes at once) and chutes (these pitfalls that push back the project carrier). The resource is in French.

Platform Design Toolkit

Champion CHAMPION:
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Platform Design Toolkit is based on the tradition of service design thinking and the publishers intend it to overcome the limitations in traditional, linear, business modeling approaches. This methodology is based on a multi-sided, ecosystem based, platform model instead of a traditional product or service design. Those interested in building their "government as a platform" strategy or building a suite of digital or non-digital products or services would likely find value in this approach but…

Systems Mythology Toolkit

Champion CHAMPION:
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This toolkit was developed to help us cope with the rapidly changing world, such as global networks and autonomous drone fleets—that have never existed before. The publishers suggest that we need new stories and new mythologies to tell us how these things fit into our lives and make sense of these transformations. The toolkit contains a card deck exploring different colored "archetypes" or ways of making meaning and each includes different ways of understanding Interactions, Environments,…

MaRS Library

The MaRS Library contains articles, templates, reports, workbooks, reference guides and videos covering a range of topics, including accounting, funding, governance, intellectual property, leadership, legal issues, marketing, product management, selling, social innovation, strategy and talent. It is intended for an entrepreneurial context, but it can be adapted for a public sector organisational context.

Impact: A Foresight Game

IMPACT: A Foresight Game is a serious board game that teaches you to think critically and imaginatively about emerging technology and the future of society. It's goals for players: / Learn the basics of futures thinking including some of the key terminology / Learn about the latest advances in science and technology (neurotech, nanotech, artificial intelligence, IoT, biotech, robotics) / Practice thinking about how these emerging technologies could evolve and the various ways they could…

Business Model Canvas

Champion CHAMPION:
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This canvas and associated guidance is is a strategic management and lean startup template that can be used the to describe, design, challenge, and pivot a business model to deliver different values or in different ways. It consists of 9 elements: value proposition, customer segments, customer relationships, channels, key partners, key resources, key activities, cost structure, and revenue streams. It can be used individually or in a group. It works in conjunction with the Value Proposition…
The guide offers practical guidance to local government officials on how to build a culture and practice of innovation and give local leaders an action-oriented framework for breakthrough innovation. It lays out nine “Imperatives” towards this end, with concrete action steps for each to help cities get started, along with illustrative case studies.

Innovation Labs: A Do-It-Yourself Guide

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This document gives you the information you need to create your own lab. This could be a UNICEF lab—or could simply be a space of creativity that is aimed at solving significant global problems through the application of dedicated local resources. It provides background on labs, defining a lab's purpose, budget and scoping, and examples of different lab models (outreach/training, product development, service development, operational research, and content broadcasting). It also includes…