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Robot Alice – Bid, Contract and Notice Analyser

Alice, a bid, contract and notice analyser, emerged to address critical challenges in public procurement, whose processes present vulnerabilities, risks of fraud and errors. Alice supports public purchases and promoting efficiency in procurement. In 2023, Alice analysed 190,923 acquisitions on the main public procurement portals. The analyses, timely identification of inconsistencies and alerts to auditors generated 203 audit jobs worth a total of R$27 billion. Preventing errors or fraud with Alice strengthens state action, optimises the delivery of public policies and services to all citizens and the work of civil servants. The innovation improves the analysis of government purchases, contributing to better public spending, more transparent and honest public management and the fight against corruption.

Innovation Summary

Innovation Overview

The Alice innovation emerged to address critical challenges in public procurement, whose processes present vulnerabilities, risks of fraud and errors. Procurement is a significant part of government spending, amounting to around 10 per cent of Brazil's GDP and reaching almost 20 per cent during the Covid-19 pandemic. The CGU developed Alice as a tool that automates procedures and enables continuous and consistent auditing on a large scale (there are more than 500 calls for tender published every day). This innovation aims to prevent and detect irregularities, strengthening the integrity of public policies. Alice operates in four crucial stages, from daily data collection to computer analyses and the communication of personalised alerts to more than 500 users. The most critical alerts can develop into audit work. Alice makes it possible to carry out agile preventive audits in just eight calendar days, an innovation compared to the average time of more than 400 days for traditional evaluations. The preventive analysis of public procurement allows for timely intervention in the processes to correct the tenders. Alice is part of a strategy to continuously improve public service, optimise public spending and the work of civil servants, collaborating with control bodies across the country. The initiative's core objectives include strengthening efficiency and integrity in public contracting, identifying inconsistencies and irregularities and enabling preventive and timely action by those involved. Those who benefit are Brazilian society, with a solution that improves the analysis of government purchases, contributing to better public spending, more transparent and honest public management and the fight against corruption. For the future, the CGU will also make Alice alerts available to public managers, integrating Alice with the new - one of Brazil's main public procurement portals and mandatory for federal agencies and entities - thus improving collaboration between institutions and making the response even more agile. It is also a strategic project of the CGU to expand the use of Alice to states and municipalities, allowing for more comprehensive control of the use of public resources in all spheres of government. Ultimately, the aim is to help ensure that public resources are used efficiently and for the benefit of the population, strengthening citizens' trust in government institutions. The vision is to institutionalise innovation as an essential practice in public management, expanding its use to strengthen integrity throughout the country and potentially serving as a model for other bodies and entities facing similar challenges in their public procurement.

Innovation Description

What Makes Your Project Innovative?

Alice's methodology and structure optimise and scale preventive analysis and continuous auditing efforts. The use of Artificial Intelligence and robotic automation (RPA) generates inputs for timely interventions in public procurement. Data from various sources is collected automatically: (mandatory use in the Federal Government), Licitações-e (Banco do Brasil's procurement system) and Diário Oficial da União (DOU). Data analysis techniques consolidate around 40 risk typologies. Personalised alerts are sent to more than 500 users of the CGU, other Executive bodies, the Judiciary, the Public Prosecutor's Office and the State and Municipal Comptrollers' Offices. As well as optimising work, prioritising audits that represent greater financial sums and risks, it expands the capillarity of actors involved in improving the efficiency of spending, preventing errors and fraud in acquisitions for the operation of public bodies, policies and services.

Innovation Development

Collaborations & Partnerships

In 2016, Alice was shared with the Federal Court of Auditors (TCU), which began to develop and use it independently, making evolutions that resulted in improvements. In 2018, the CGU incorporated the TCU's developments and resumed improving it. In 2021, it partnered with the Ministry of Management to integrate Alice into and issue alerts to managers during procurement planning. Judiciary and Public Prosecutor's Office use Alice to stop identified irregularities

Users, Stakeholders & Beneficiaries

Alice assists public managers in the early identification of inconsistencies, supports internal auditors in the detection of risks, and benefits Control Bodies in the prevention and containment of irregularities. It benefits Brazilian citizens, seeking the correct allocation of public funds. Alice generates alerts for more than 500 users who are crucial in the preventive analysis of purchases: CGU auditors and auditors from the Executive and Judiciary branches, the Public Prosecutor's Office and state/municipal comptrollers.

Innovation Reflections

Results, Outcomes & Impacts

More than R$9.7 billion in bids were suspended or cancelled between 2019 and 2022 due to Alice alerts. Also, according to CGU's calculation methodology, more than R$1.3 billion were accounted for as financial benefits in the period from 2019 to 2022. These measurements were made by consolidating records from the Alice and e-aud systems. The results and impacts observed so far contribute to the compliance of tenders and the proper use of public resources. For the future, we expect to continue identifying irregular practices, expanding and modernising the audit trails, and increasingly contributing to improving public management and preventing significant financial losses.

Challenges and Failures

We faced several challenges. Initially, there were restrictions on accessing data from due to the captcha mechanism. This was initially solved by hiring human services, and then with an automatic solution. Restrictions on the use of software tools were circumvented by auditors using their own computers until they obtained the necessary authorisations. The shortage of NLP tools was overcome by developing our own algorithm. It was necessary to opt for economical alternatives: in this way, the CGU's own auditors implemented the tool, and all the technological infrastructure already available was utilised. The partnership with MGI also ensured access to essential data.

Conditions for Success

Crucial elements for Alice's success: 1) Integration into Routines: The incorporation of Alice into e-aud streamlined the sending of alerts to auditors, integrating it into CGU's routines; 2) Speed and Preventive Nature: The speed and preventive nature of the analyses increased the auditors' perception of Alice's value, encouraging its use; 3) Interministerial Collaboration: Collaboration with the MGI expanded access to accurate and reliable data; 4) Qualified Technical Staff: The existence of qualified technical staff with technological expertise and in government procurement risks was crucial; 5) Senior Management Support: The support of CGU's senior management boosted the consolidation of Alice as a solution with an impact on public management.


Shortly after being launched at CGU, Alice was shared with the Federal Court of Auditors (TCU), which began to develop and use it independently. As it grew in size, other bodies from other branches of the Brazilian state also became interested in the tool and in receiving its alerts, so that units of the judiciary and the Public Prosecutor's Office were registered with the solution. Finally, when it was realised that Alice was collecting and analysing data on purchases by states and municipalities, but was not handled by CGU (it is not its responsibility), a strategic project was also set up to make it possible for these spheres to receive reports and thus contribute to the public sector at a national level.

Lessons Learned

Alice's career at CGU offers valuable lessons. Flexibility and innovation were essential in overcoming technical and bureaucratic obstacles. Strategic partnerships have revealed the value of sharing knowledge for collective progress. The incorporation of the solution into CGU routines emphasised the importance of efficient integrations. The qualified and motivated technical team was a major differentiator. The support of senior management showed that committed leadership drives innovation. The replicability of the solution to different spheres highlighted its transformative potential. Finally, the experience reinforced that collaborative approaches, adaptability and strategic vision drive innovative practices in the public sector.

Anything Else?

It is worth highlighting the initial efforts of the team that conceived and implemented Alice, as they faced technological limitations and limitations in their knowledge of data science and artificial intelligence, at a time when these techniques were not very widespread. Even with a precarious environment, they demonstrated creativity and resilience to achieve the noble goal of delivering public policies to society with integrity. This initial journey shaped innovation and its positive impact.

Project Pitch


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Date Published:

24 June 2024

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