Embracing Innovation in Government: Global trends 2020 – Upskilling and investing in people

Introduction to 2020 trends
Under normal circumstances, the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI) and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) Mohammed Bin Rashid Centre for Government Innovation (MBRCGI) issue an annual report on key trends in government innovation. However, 2020 was not a normal year. Like the governments with whom we collaborate, much of our attention shifted to the COVID-19 crisis.
The focus for 2020 still intended to report on emerging trends that we uncovered, and to tell the stories of innovators who are working to make a difference in how government serves its people. But in order to provide information in a more timely way, the 2020 edition is instead presented as five reports over the course of the year, each focused on one of the innovative trends identified by OPSI and MBRCGI.
Upskilling and investing in people
For the fifth and final report in this series, OPSI and MBRCGI explore how governments are upskilling and investing in people in innovative ways. Leading efforts in this area fall under two key themes:
- Theme 1: Investing in the public as a critical resource. Investing in the digital, cognitive and socio-emotional skills of all citizens and residents to ensure they are able to meet 21st century challenges and possibilities.
- Theme 2: Upskilling the public service to unlock the potential of government. Infusing the public service with new skills for innovation, collaboration and digital transformation through innovative training and capacity-building initiatives.
Explore the digital story
OPSI has created a digital story version of this report, which walks readers through key themes, conclusions, and recommendations, as well as the case studies presented in the report.

Embracing Innovation in Government: Global trends 2020 – Upskilling and investing in people
Published on 18 November 2020.