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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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Ecosystem Mapping

The Danish Design Center created the Ecosystem Mapping tool to help users get an overview of their project stakeholders and potential participants and analyse the motivations, resources and capabilities, that will become valuable for the overall ecosystem. Through its application, users can map all actors (partners, collaborators, contractors, external stakeholders, etc.) in a given ecosystem in order to accomplish its mission. The tool provides users with "Question Cards" to confirm identified…

APS Framework for engagement and participation

Champion CHAMPION:
Can be remixed
The Australian Public Service (APS) Framework for Engagement and Participation provides guidance, principles, and links to interactive tools that support public servants and managers to adopt and improve the participation and engagement of stakeholders and citizens as ways to earn trust and overcome complexity in dealing with society's challenges in the 21st century. Public servants and managers are invited to subscribe to the principles that underpin this vision and actively use this toolkit…

MOTION Handbook: developing a transformative theory of change

Champion CHAMPION:
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This handbook introduces actionable knowledge on developing a Transformative Theory of Change by applying a portfolio approach to address a systems innovation perspective for projects and programmes. Tools, methods and lessons learned are based on working hand in hand with EIT Climate-KIC projects around a portfolio of knowledge services for sustainable systems transformation. The step-by-step methodology supports practitioners to design, implement and evaluate projects aimed at achieving…

Virtual circular design course: Tool guide

Champion CHAMPION:
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This toolkit offers a starting point and a framework for uncovering circular potentials and barriers and to potentially identify new circular business models. The tools in this toolkit focus specifically on mapping a company's circular potentials in the value chain it operates within. And it gives priority to understanding, framing and re-fining the value businesses create in the value chain, exploring the interaction with both customers, collaborators and influential stakeholders. The toolkit…

SISCODE toolbox for co-creation journeys

Champion CHAMPION:
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The main goal of the SISCODE Toolbox is to provide support for the co-creation labs in making sense of existing data, tools and toolkits. Co-creation is a non-linear process that involves multiple actors and stakeholders in the ideation, implementation and assessment of product services, policies and systems. The resource aims to improve their efficiency and effectiveness, and the satisfaction of those who take part in the process. The SISCODE Toolbox aims to facilitate the design and…

Platform-way-of-working toolkit

Hero HERO:
Editable source files available
This toolkit allows organisations to change their mindset and move from a project-oriented approach towards a platform-way-of-working that is designed to tackle complex problems. The toolkit was developed and tested by the Danish Design Centre in collaboration with United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and 40+ country offices. The toolkit consists of several mapping exercises. After using the integrated Mission Statement Generator to create an ambitious yet realistic mission statement,…

Remodel – A toolkit for open source business models

Champion CHAMPION:
Can be remixed
The REMODEL toolkit is targeted at companies producing products and is focused on developing economically sustainable business models through the principle of open source. While the toolkit is private-sector-oriented, some of the co-creation principles and methods can also apply to some areas of the public sector. The toolkit was published based on the experience of REMODEL with 8 Danish companies in 2018. The toolkit consists of 7 work packages and each part has a step-by-step instruction and a…

The DIN model

Basic BASIC:
Allows reuse
The DIN model is a methodology for developing solutions using a design-driven approach with the goals of achieving better and more innovative processes and outcomes, increasing probability of implementation, and improving user satisfaction. The model helps explore all the potential pitfalls, possibilities and limitations, particularly in the "front end" or early stage of projects. The DIN model consists of a series of phases and four ‘gates’. Each phase contains a variety of activities and…

Actionable Futures Toolkit

Champion CHAMPION:
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This resource is a modular set of tools (10 methods in 3 phases) that can be run in various ways, from a general tool to discover and ideate futures into a premeditated, repeated and ever-focusing exercise to build a vision on one or more lines of work. The resource can also be used to bring transparency and alignment to any organization through repeated exercises. It consists of three types of tools: Worldbuilding, Predictive Analysis and the Optimal Futures. The authors also suggest a process…

Australia Digital Transformation Toolkit

Hero HERO:
Editable source files available
This resource provides South Australian Government organisations with guidance on the development and format of their digital strategies, which they distinguish separately from an information and communications technology (ICT) strategy. The toolkit contains guidance on the development and format of digital strategies, a digital maturity assessment tool, a digital transformation prioritisation tool, a digital strategy template, and an implementation plan template.