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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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The OECD-OPSI Innovation Playbook offers an accessible, actionable and user-centred instrument to translate the OECD Declaration on Public Sector Innovation into practical guidance on how its principles can be applied to solve public sector challenges. The Innovation Playbook offers an entry point to help governments identify where they can build and leverage innovative capacities to solve present and emerging challenges. Intended for top officials and middle-managers, it helps users assess and expand their awareness on innovative challenges, identify opportunities for improvement in public sector systems and translate the innovation principles and commitments into concrete action.

Building on the principles of the above-mentioned Declaration, adopted in 2019 and adhered to by 43 countries, the Playbook showcases 167 options for actions, 34 tools and 32 global case studies that users can choose from in order to address their most pressing public sector innovation challenges. The Playbook is designed as a three-step user journey: it helps to identify innovation challenges and connect them to the corresponding Declaration principle; assess the capacity to deal with the given challenges in innovative ways; and provides concrete actions, tools and case studies to leverage change and improve the current situation.

The Innovation Playbook was co-created with a dedicated Steering Group formed of delegates of the OPSI Network of National Contacts Points and globally tested with public officials. The Steering Group gathered delegates from Australia, Belgium, Czech Republic, Germany, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Romania, Spain and Sweden, with the advisory support from Denmark and Finland.

Now available in English, Dutch, French, Romanian, Spanish and Swedish. Visit:

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