Toolkit Type: Playbook
The DIN model is a methodology for developing solutions using a design-driven approach with the goals of achieving better and more innovative processes and outcomes, increasing probability of implementation, and improving user satisfaction. The model helps explore all the potential pitfalls, possibilities and limitations, particularly in the "front end" or early stage of projects. The DIN model consists of a series of phases and four ‘gates’. Each phase contains a variety of activities and…
This resource contains a method library and playbook for commonly used strategic foresight tools, organised by a guiding framework of five planning phases (perspective, opportunity, solution, team, and vision). While it does contain the tools themselves, the resource also contains extensive guidance on each method, including overall guidance, examples, instructions, insights, tips, and tool templates. It also contains overall guiding principles, underlying theories, and considerations for using…
Innovate to Save was launched in February 2017 with funding from Welsh Government. The programme blends grant funding to undertake a Research and Development phase, incorporating prototyping and piloting of the organisations' ideas, followed by the opportunity to apply for an interest-free loan on negotiable terms to implement the project at scale during an implementation phase.
Repayable finance is a tool that governments can use to support innovation in public services - allowing governments…
This resource is focused on collaboration around designs for solving product problems, specifically on the topics of trust, transparency and control concerning the use of personal data. The methodology used was inspired by those from the Stanford and IDEO. The toolkit is split into four sections – Plan, Discover, Ideate and Prototype.
The resource contains over 20 guided activities and supporting materials (including downloadable worksheets) covering materials for planning and running…
The resource was developed for IFRC and National Societies to develop their literacy around data, but it could easily be applied to other organisations. It aims to promote responsible data use and develop data readiness. It has been tailored based on these audiences:
The Data Curious, who needs an ‘on ramp’ to learn and be exposed to the data basics.
The Data Advocate, who sees relevance and and wants to improve their skills and/or offer support.
The Data Active, who are motivated to…
This resource includes tools, approaches and resources for local authorities sharing non-personal data. The publishers intend it for those currently working in city governments as well as those supplying data sharing services to be able to find a common language and process in approaching the sharing of data. It focuses on both the technical and non-technical aspects of sharing data, including building data sharing partnerships, building a team, ecosystem mapping, and proposal and business case…
This playbook defines smart cities through human experiences, including 3 "mindsets" (lenses to understand) and 6 "plays" (ways to start). Originally developed for the City of Calgary, Canada, it offers ways to document, prioritize and advocate for individual human experiences at the nexus of networked technology, data and urbanism. It promotes embracing complexity and designing responsive systems, policies and governance around people for people-centered smart cities. Both PDF and slide deck…
The U.S. Public Participation Playbook is a resource for government managers to evaluate and build better services through public participation using best practices and performance metrics.
Based on discussions with US Federal Government managers and stakeholders, the publishers identified five main categories that should be addressed in all programs, whether digital or offline. Within each category they identified 12 unifying plays to start with, each including a checklist to consider,…
A playbook of 13 key “plays” drawn from successful practices from the private sector and government that the publisher believes, if followed together, will help governments build effective digital services.
The resource contains tools for visualizing and anticipating future risk of technology products, acknowledging that once technology is released and reaches scale it may be used for purposes beyond the original intention. The toolkit contains foresight methods, including 14 scenarios, for kicking off important conversations with product teams--including examples of current signals of future trends. It also contains a Risk Mitigation Manual with 8 risk
zones where hard-to anticipate
and unwelcome…