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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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Madinati platform

The Madinati platform aims to address the problem of random disposal of waste, as well as the adoption of improper practices in waste management, such as mixing waste, and its negative environmental and health effects on society. The Madinati platform helps entities to introduce accountabilities on the municipal waste generators in all sectors against the waste they produce. It helps in building a comprehensive knowledge-base with much higher accuracy to support strategical decision making.

Innovation Summary

Innovation Overview

One of the main problems in MOMRAH currently is the random disposal of waste, as well as the adoption of improper practices in its management, such as mixing waste, and its negative environmental and health effects on society. Madinati platform project aims to:

  • Monitor, control and manage waste movement form its sources.
  • Monitor vehicles, and equipment of the municipalities projects, and cities infrastructure projects.
  • Registration of waste producers in smart electronic system.
  • Unifying the requirements of tracking service providers according to the highest technical standards.
  • Ensure the quality of service, and compliance through electronic contract documentation.
  • Automation work procedures in line with the objectives of the MOMRAH.

The Madinati platform system includes tracking waste from the generation points to the approved final disposal points during the waste life cycle, and includes the process of transportation and tracking of waste vehicles using tracking and monitoring devices. It also includes monitoring and tracking of the vehicles of all Municipalities' projects operating in cities in order to serve as a supportive and complementary tool for the Municipalities’ work strategy and plans. We used the data of generation points about its area, and activity to determine the suitable size and number of trash bins after calculating the waste quantities automatically using waste generation rate. Then the system monitors the waste quantities reached to the landfill by the integration with the landfill's waste weighing system, and receives the waste quantities records to ensure that all quantities of waste have reached the proper final destination, this to overcome the problem of the random disposal of waste. The above solution increased the ability of the organization for controlling waste movement and increasing the compliance percentage of the transporters.

Innovation Description

What Makes Your Project Innovative?

The Madinati platform helps entities to introduce accountabilities on the municipal waste generators in all sectors against the waste they produce and makes sure they comply to the governmental regulations through applying and involving them in the following functions:

  • E-Registration of waste producers and transporters.
  • Documentation of e-contracts between waste producers and transporters.
  • Tracking for waste management plans and project equipment movement inside the cities.
  • Tracking system and report analysis for entering illegal zones.
  • Automating violation issuing system.
  • Smart inspection system (e-scheduling for field inspection and issuing the field violation).

The e-contract solution is the right tool to gain feasibility and full tractability of what actually happens on ground 24/7. All system outputs are reflected on a live tracking enterprise dashboard fixed on a technical control room giving immediate, sustainable reports and statistics for decision-makers.

What is the current status of your innovation?

  • The platform is used in many cities in KSA by targeted clients.
  • Technologies used are Internet of Things & Robotic Process Automation or Intelligent Automation.

Innovation Development

Collaborations & Partnerships

  • Madinati Center, Role: general supervision
  • Field inspection dept. Role: inspection on fake waste contracts
  • Waste transporters registration dept. Role: monitoring waste transporters performance.
  • Control Center. Role: tracking system performance reports.
  • Cleaning dept. Role: feeding Madinati platform by cleaning contracts data
  • Ministry of Commerce. Role: companies CR verification and date confirmation.
  • SADAD, Role: getting payment ref. number for issued violation.

Users, Stakeholders & Beneficiaries

Service project contractors, Waste producers and carriers, Destruction requests, service providers, Vehicle and container owners, and drivers

Innovation Reflections

Results, Outcomes & Impacts

  • Waste Transporter registration
  • Where the procedures for registering carriers have been automated, service providers have been increasing the transfer of waste to 100 carriers.
  • Control oversight of the equipment of the secretariat projects
  • Through the use of IoT technology, oversight of contractual and non-contractual equipment has been increased and its behavior has been monitored to reduce the impact of random throwing in the region and visual distortion, as 8636 violations have been detected so far
  • Controlling waste transport contracts
  • The electronic contracting procedures between the commercial license holder and the waste carrier have been automated.
  • The number of users on the platform reached 34095
  • The number of electronic contracts is 39,300.

Challenges and Failures

Digitization process at the beginning is always considered challenging due to lack of a digital transformation strategy and of IT skills. After applying the solution, continuous evolution and change management is challenging.

Conditions for Success

  • Complying solution with policies, rules, & regulations are very important criteria to be taken into consideration when applying any new government platform.
  • Enhancing the functionality by using AI, and adding more sub-services.
  • Efficiency of the service has been raised through commitment to standards and their awareness.


Since the solution is applied in more than one city in Saudi Arabia, work is underway to generalize it in all cities. It is also suggested to be used by all concerned parties working in the same sector all over the world due to the advantages of the solution of reducing errors and saving time.

Lessons Learned

Innovation has huge advantages in improving social life.

Project Pitch

Year: 2021
Level of Government: National/Federal government


  • Diffusing Lessons - using what was learnt to inform other projects and understanding how the innovation can be applied in other ways

Innovation provided by:

Date Published:

21 November 2023

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