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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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The Information Portal

The Information Portal improves the process of obtaining current information on court proceedings by participants in cases conducted in courts.Through this system, trial attorneys, lawyers, citizens participating in proceedings can find out about the current status of their cases without having to contact the court directly.The latest functionality has changed the purpose of the system, which now serves as the official channel of communication in civil proceedings between the court and the party

Innovation Summary

Innovation Overview

Originally, the Information Portal was created as a tool which aimed at eliminating the simple problem of the necessity to call or visit the court directly to obtain information about the status of court proceedings. In 2011, the Information Portal was launched, allowing users identified by their individual public number (PESEL) to check the court's actions in their cases, read court documents, and review trial dates (currently the number of court proceedings available to user’s access in the Information Portal is 74 722 879). Not only did it facilitate citizens' access to justice and fair proceedings but also lawyers' daily work and case management.
Information in the Information Portal appears automatically with a maximum delay of one day from the date of document's creation by the court. The popularity of the Information Portal led to the launch of additional functionalities. Currently, it serves as a platform through which parties involved in proceedings can view audio-video recordings of court hearings (the so-called electronic protocol) and reserve a spot in the court's document reading room to review documents.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Information Portal underwent changes and became a mailbox for the official delivery of court documents in civil cases. This solution was implemented in 2021 and included users such as attorneys-at-law and advocates. As a result:
• Significant cost reduction in court document delivery was achieved. Deliveries through the Information Portal are free of charge (neither the user nor the courts sending the correspondence bear the cost).
• Expedited delivery of court correspondence, eliminating the need to wait for post representatives.
• Allowed recipients to receive mail at any convenient time, including weekends, without the necessity to physically go to a post office.
• Minimized the risk of SARS-CoV-2 transmission by reducing interpersonal contact and physical document exchange.
This solution proved so effective that since its launching, it has facilitated a total of 11.8 mln deliveries through the Information Portal, resulting in significant time and cost savings. Initially designed only for the duration of the pandemic, its benefits were so substantial that electronic deliveries through the Information Portal are now permanently legally sanctioned, extending their scope to criminal proceedings as well.
Further system modifications are planned, such as introducing a calendar function to notify the court absences at hearings and eventually enabling the submission of procedural documents by parties involved (the Electronic Submission Office). There are plans to launch a special platform within the Information Portal for conducting remote hearings (video conferences).
Currently, the Information Portal has become the substantial communication tool between the court and participants in proceedings, as well as the fundamental instrument in the work of lawyers.

Innovation Description

What Makes Your Project Innovative?

The innovation of the Information Portal system lies in its grassroots origin, initially emerging as an initiative stemming from the actual needs of courts and citizens. It was only later legally sanctioned. Each subsequent functionality of the system results from social consultations and a thorough analysis of the needs of participants in legal proceedings. Before 2021, there was no tool that provided the electronic delivery of court documents. Currently, this is possible, effective, and cost-efficient.
Additionally, the implementation initially targeted at a small group of users - exclusively legal representatives and only in civil proceedings. This was to verify whether the system would be practically utilized and user-friendly based on a limited trial sample.
The innovativeness of the Information Portal is evident not only in its functionalities and multifaceted usage possibilities but also in its approach to development.

What is the current status of your innovation?

The system has been functioning as a whole since 2011, with its various functionalities being gradually launched. The most significant change came in the year 2021. Therefore, the system operates as a tool, and its development continues with ongoing ideas from the maintenance team and users, adapting to current needs and effectiveness. The introduction of the tab for court document deliveries occurred in November 2021, and since then, several adjustments have been implemented to facilitate user interaction with this solution. The ultimate goal of the team working on the Information Portal is to create a comprehensive system (offering diverse justice services) that is user-friendly for individuals with average IT skills.

Innovation Development

Collaborations & Partnerships

The creation process of the system involved the Ministry of Justice of Poland, the Court of Appeal in Wrocław responsible for system maintenance, and an external company that developed the infrastructure and interface. Additionally, during the consultation phase, common courts, as well as representatives of professional self-government organizations of attorneys-at-law, lawyers, notaries, prosecutors, and patent attorneys, were engaged

Users, Stakeholders & Beneficiaries

The system users include: citizens (as well as other participants including foreigners), professional lawyers (advocates, attorneys-at-law, notaries, patent attorneys, prosecutors, court-appointed guardians, bailiffs), mediators, public authorities, judges, and government bodies. In the future, among users there will also be included companies, non-governmental organizations, foundations, court experts, and sworn translators.
Total number of users: 294 722.

Innovation Reflections

Results, Outcomes & Impacts

The most important result is significant financial savings associated with the cessation of delivering court documents via traditional postal system, meaning no postal fee is incurred. Assuming the standard cost of postal delivery, with a volume of court document deliveries at 11.8 million, this represents a great amount of savings for the state budget. Furthermore, a significant acceleration in the court document delivery process has been observed—according to system’s data the average time of electronic delivery is 2.8 days, whereas the average waiting time for postal delivery is 20 days.

Challenges and Failures

The main challenge was to create a system that would be user-friendly for the average citizen as well as encouraging courts to use the system and share information within it. During the system's implementation, the team didn't encounter significant setbacks; however, multiple changes were implemented to make navigating the portal easier. Experience showed that without ongoing consultations during the design and implementation of new functionalities, there's a risk of making mistakes and rendering the tool impractical. Hence, the team always consults proposed solutions with user representatives to ensure usability.

Conditions for Success

Above all, having the right personnel resources is crucial (IT specialists who are familiar with the system and its structure). Currently, the system is being developed by a cohesive team of individuals who have been collaborating for years, while also engaging with user representatives. The system is designed to meet needs of different participants in legal proceedings. Hence, the involvement of their representatives is crucial for creating a practical tool. It's also noteworthy that the system is under the authority of a public entity, and an external company solely handles support services and bug resolution. All decisions regarding the tool's development are made by a dedicated, internal team.


The potential for replication has already been recognized. Electronic deliveries, initially used in civil proceedings, proved so successful that it was decided to apply them in criminal procedure. The legal provisions in this regard have been passed and will come into effect in March 2024. Currently, technical work is underway to implement the system for criminal proceedings. Additionally, there are plans to expand the user group to include citizens (not just professional representatives). Therefore, replication involves extending the use of functionalities to further areas of legal proceedings.

Lessons Learned

The most crucial lesson from implementing this system is that innovation must always respond to a clearly identified societal need rather than merely being a modern solution detached from reality. Only by doing so can we guarantee the success and high utilization of the system.

Year: 2011
Level of Government: National/Federal government


  • Developing Proposals - turning ideas into business cases that can be assessed and acted on
  • Implementation - making the innovation happen
  • Evaluation - understanding whether the innovative initiative has delivered what was needed

Innovation provided by:

Date Published:

2 July 2024

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