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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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An Algorithmic Decision System for Public Services

Bağcılar Municipality has implemented an Algorithmic Decision Systems model for evaluating public services to maximizing the value proposition and satisfaction level at the minimum cost. This model enables the municipality to make decisions regarding the investment worthiness of its current and planned services and activities, as well as the direction of improvements needed in existing products and services, both in the eyes of stakeholders and the organization.

Innovation Summary

Innovation Overview

A tool and method have been developed to recognize citizens, understand their needs and expectations, and direct resources towards citizen-centric services. The aim is to compare the investment cost and returns of products and services using these tools and methods, identify areas for improvement in existing projects, and decide whether new projects are worth investing in. In this context, performance scorecards have been created on an activity basis. Open and covert inspections are conducted at citizen touchpoints identified as a result of completed projects. Open inspections are conducted openly at citizen touchpoints in accordance with specified criteria, with the inspector presenting their identity. Covert inspections involve monitoring services from the citizen's perspective based on predefined scenarios. Service points for open and covert inspections have been identified, and criteria for service procurement have been established. Standard criteria control standards have been prepared for the objective evaluation of criteria. In addition, performance indicators are determined by evaluating appropriate targets. The final step in the process is the measurement of citizen satisfaction, identification of demands and expectations, and conducting research to correctly identify areas open to improvement related to the provided activity/service. Using the analytic hierarchy process method with all this data, scores are obtained on a project/activity/service basis, and continuous improvements are achieved through feedback. The model also takes on a role that encourages democratic participation, serving as a platform where citizens can freely express their expectations and opinions.

Innovation Description

What Makes Your Project Innovative?

The model provides a comprehensive and objective approach, covering both open and covert inspections, as well as the results of performance indicators, efficiency reports, and citizen satisfaction. It allows comparison between organizational performance data and citizen expectations, reducing the abstract concept of services to tangible outcomes. To achieve this, a sustainable mechanism has been designed using appropriate, reliable, and cost-effective data collection methods. The innovative application involves stakeholders in the decision-making process. The mobile application facilitates inspections, documents improvement areas online, and integrates them into the organizational system for immediate action and follow-up by relevant departments. Digital infrastructure and innovations, including a management panel and online reporting system, enable real-time monitoring and tracking.

What is the current status of your innovation?

The current status of our innovation is a fully operational, data-driven system implemented across municipalities. Municipalities are evaluating the model to confirm that stakeholder needs are met or exceeded, with an emphasis on embedding a culture of measuring service quality for continuous improvement. While current inputs and outputs validate the model's accuracy, we're actively working to identify and address previously unrecognized needs as our data dimension grows.

Innovation Development

Collaborations & Partnerships

Bağcılar Municipality has engaged in mutual interactions with Yıldız Technical University, Marmara University, Bahçeşehir University, Bilgi University, Koç University, the Türkiye Researchers Association, various non-governmental organizations, and think tanks in the fields of education and application. Through these discussions, shared exchanges have taken place, and as a result, support has been obtained on service standards criteria, efficiency scorecard indicators, and stakeholder management.

Users, Stakeholders & Beneficiaries

This innovation promotes citizen involvement in decision-making, enhancing service quality and continuous improvement. Satisfaction feedback is actively collected, ensuring that needs and expectations are addressed at an institutional level. Municipal employees engage in the process to reach citizen feedback and achieve defined quality goals through the model, fostering ongoing improvement.

Innovation Reflections

Results, Outcomes & Impacts

Last year, achieving a 95% compliance in the implementation of planned projects and conducting 1,211 audits for the provided services resulted in the initiation of 14,265 improvement actions. Utilizing the Analytic Hierarchy Process, the initially measured score of 73.1 out of 100 increased to 79.5 by the end of the year. In the satisfaction measurement, which includes evaluations from citizens and stakeholders with a participation rate of 13.10%, the goal is to increase total audits to 1,750, raise participation in satisfaction measurements by 20%, and elevate the process score to 85.6, achieving a 98% compliance level.

Challenges and Failures

We've addressed two main challenges in our innovation:

  • Information management: We've solved the problem of maintaining up-to-date information on service recipients by integrating individual data into our institution's digital infrastructure.
  • Internal resistance: Some units were reluctant to provide evidence-based outputs for improvements identified in audits. We overcame this by collaboratively revising service standards criteria with these units, increasing buy-in and compliance.

These solutions have streamlined our data management and improved our ability to implement necessary changes based on audit findings.

Conditions for Success

The foundation of the model's success relies on strong and effective internal communication and collaboration. In this context, each output of the process serves as the input for the next step, creating a synergy between them, where the motivation and competence of employees play a crucial role. Furthermore, this communication encompasses keeping service quality standards and efficiency indicators current and proactive, addressing elements such as accessibility of services, timely delivery, providing fast and effective solutions, and generating solutions tailored to the needs of citizens.


With this model, the number of audit areas, which was initially 14 at the project's inception, has increased to 27 due to tangible benefits such as improving services and increasing satisfaction. Additionally, research on needs and expectations has expanded from 20 to 40. Relevant institutions and organizations visit for external benchmarking studies. Moreover, our governance practices highlighted in the Municipal Governance report have served as inspiration to other public and private institutions

Lessons Learned

The most challenging aspect of establishing a model system in public institutions can be the attitude towards change and resistance from employees. To overcome this challenge in the short term, it is crucial for the institution's management to embrace and support the model. In the long term, it should be clearly demonstrated that a functional system makes employees' jobs easier, ultimately leading to tangible results in increased citizen satisfaction. This plays a critical role in motivating employees towards these changes.

Year: 2022
Level of Government: Local government


  • Evaluation - understanding whether the innovative initiative has delivered what was needed
  • Diffusing Lessons - using what was learnt to inform other projects and understanding how the innovation can be applied in other ways

Innovation provided by:

Date Published:

2 July 2024

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