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INTIP DAQU (Information Tracer of Intellectual Property Documentation and Inquiry)

Signing of MoU

Conditions in Indonesia today are contrary to the principle of openness towards intellectual property (IP). The presence of a digital IP management platform called INTIP DAQU would uncover valuable information of technologies produced through R&D by Indonesian institutions. INTIP DAQU has been utilized by universities, R&D institutions and regional governments on a Free-License basis, while IP data between institutions are interconnected, creating a technology marketplace.

Innovation Summary

Innovation Overview

The ease of information access are increasingly important with the rapid development of technology. Likewise, an institution’s information openness becomes its indicator of performance and accountability to the public. As a state-owned R&D institution, LIPI is obliged to provide access convenience and disclosure facilities to the community. One information needed by the community is the technology from R&D.

The benefits from LIPI’s research-based technology for the people and industries are relatively still not widely felt. LIPI has not optimally represented itself as a quality R&D institute that would provide solutions on latest issues. An initial step to improve this is to form its image. External viewpoints are very crucial to establish perceptions of LIPI. This is similar to a story called “Elephant in the Dark”. When information is partially available/obtained by people, they will never fully recognize LIPI or its contributions.

One focus on information that must be provided is R&D based technology. The form of technology information potentially provided by LIPI and being used responsibly are available in patent documents. As of 2013, LIPI has yet to share them to the people. LIPI’s patent data are only intended for internal purposes. Hence it made sense when external parties are unaware of those technologies. Therefore, performance of LIPI’s researches are questioned as there is no form of accurate and open knowledge capitalization, thus less-known by the people, R&D institutions and even the government.

As of 2013, LIPI’s IP registration only averaged 25 per year. Therefore, a capable platform is necessary to provide technology information especially patent documents, as well as being an IP management integrated system. One could access LIPI’s KI information and data by typing “LIPI Patents” in Google and will be instantly shown a URL to LIPI’s KI management digital platform. INTIP DAQU is also known with the acronym IP PORT (Portal of Intellectual Property). Its front-end displays summary of the number of produced KI. All data in this platform are freely downloadable. This platform has proven to increase the productivity of patents and licenses at LIPI. In just 3 years, LIPI’s patent achievements exceeded 300 patents For the government, KI productivity is an indicator of competitiveness, while transparent R&D-based management is a manifestation of LIPI’s performance accountability to the public. This platform is freely replicable to other IP management institutions, hence building a IP management movement with the spirit of interconnection, synergy and information access openness for the public.

The most accessed feature is the clickable IP status visualization to assist users in obtaining the expected IP list instantly. Based on this list, a user may download digital files particularly digital Patent files such as Descriptions, Images, Certificate copies and Correspondence that are public. From this URL each user could browse all IP data belonging to institutions that are LIPI’s partners. To facilitate interaction between each INTIP DAQU user, We have prepared a “Discussion Forum”. Other benefits offered in this innovation – for researchers/inventors located far from the LIPI Innovation Centre can submit the description of a prospective invention through the “IP Submission” feature, hence the IP Manager at LIPI’s Innovation Center will respond swiftly through email or mobile phone. One prominent feature from this innovation is the Patent Producers Productivity Chart that triggers positive competition among inventors. Another main feature is the back-end or recording of IP development track record mainly patents, from registration, amendment (if any), granted, up until annual maintenance fees. The innovation’s display is accepted as user-friendly by LIPI’s partners that have it installed in their respective webservers.

INTIP DAQU is continuously developed from 2014 until 2018. Institutions funding on this innovation has increased, this year the allocation is Rp. 351.566.000 in 2018. This year’s major development is the addition of “Bi-Lingual”, SMS Gateway and Article Page features. IP E-Learning is also developed and will be integrated with INTIP DAQU. It contains IP teaching contents and is equipped with 3D Interactive Animation. Apart from local development, INTIP DAQU development will also involve cooperation with foreign parties. LIPI has collaborated with KIPO and KIPA in establishing the IP Learning Centre located in Cibinong, Indonesia. Thousand of dollars have been prepared for this purpose. In June 2017 the LoI to support this innovation was signed by four pillars of Governmental Institution.

The applied method in this innovation is the movement to gather all points with the potential to improve the quality and quantity of IP, known as “IP Centrum”. This movement has four interconnected main pillars: Giant Patent Producer, ICT & Multimedia, Networking and IP Services.

Innovation Description

What Makes Your Project Innovative?

R&D result is an effective benchmark in assessing the performance of an institution, however there is yet an access that facilitates the community, arising a question such as “What exactly do these institutions do?” Based on our experience, it takes about 1 month to discover patent productivity at six R&D institutions and public universities. These data are compiled by the IP Directorate General of Kemenkum-HAM RI, although we are still unsatisfied with the presented data basis due to incomplete data displayed and limited digital files available in the database.
INTIP DAQU attempts to answer those problems. All institutions affiliated with this innovation will store data in their respective servers and connected with the LIPI server, enabling people to easily access the IP data including digital description and image files that could educate the public. INTIP DAQU also visualize information on the IP. Management and stakeholder could monitor the institution performance for 24/7.

What is the current status of your innovation?

In its initial launch, INTIP DAQU only presented LIPI’s IP data. LIPI’s IP management is well organized, IP’s data traffic and number of licenses are increasing while the leadership greatly appreciate this innovation. Evaluation is regularly conducted annually for better development and enabling LIPI to serve stakeholders with excellent service, therefore this innovation is continuously supported by the stakeholders in terms of policy and funding. The positive impact felt by LIPI from this innovation is intended to be shared with external parties. Four years after the launch INTIP DAQU has been used by 10 IP Management Institutions and continuously increased. This platform serves as an entry point for collaboration and synergy through IP management network, containing IP management strengthening and productivity enhancement programs. All users of this platform expressed satisfaction and felt the benefits such that it deserves to be widespread.

Innovation Development

Collaborations & Partnerships

INTIP DAQU is supported by:
1. Directorate General of Intellectual Property – Ministry of Law and Human Rights
2. Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education
3. Indonesian Creative Ecnomic Agency
4. Implementation of LIPI partnerships with foreign institutions is possible with the bi-lingual features (English and Indonesia).

Users, Stakeholders & Beneficiaries

1. Stakeholders could utilize IP data as performance access data of R&D institutions and universities accessing this platform
2. Mass media communities.
3. Industries and business practitioners could access the protected R&D technology to strengthen their businesses.
4. Replicator that have installed this platform in their servers expressed satisfaction in terms of ease of usage, free-license utilization scheme, HR and IP institution strengthening, swift response from LIPI.

Innovation Reflections

Results, Outcomes & Impacts

The overall process of R&D results management conducted by LIPI is visible and accessible to public, thus became a magnitude in search for technology information. Upon using this platform, the productivity performance of IP partners increased as all activities are easily monitored in graphic and other visual modes. Moving forward this platform will be enriched with other features to help simplifying IP management process and technology transfers. After applying INTIP DAQU the IP productivity continually increased until 2017 reaching 159 patent registrations. Total number of patents in LIPI jumped 365% since applying this innovation. The similar happened to patent licenses. LIPI started producing patents in 1991, but until 2014 only 4 patents are licensed by companies. Whereas 4 years post INTIP DAQU 11 LIPI patents/technologies are licensed. The state revenue generated from these licenses reached 2.7 billion Rupiah and is projected to reach 5 billion Rupiah in the next 5 years.

Challenges and Failures

The technical issue of INTIP DAQU is the server’s large capacity demands for managing the ever increasing data collages. But currently the stakeholder have migrated it into corporate cloud system. However on customer’s side, the availability of human resources to input data periodically as well as required minimum infrastructure are still limited. We are in the midst of further discussion for a solution.
The improvement of IP productivity especially patents have been echoed by the government, however this will not happen if the IP management in related institutions is still conventional. With INTIP DAQU, IP management becomes digitally standardized and communication between IP producers further improves. Approaches to various parties have been done namely the Directorate General of Kemenkum-HAM RI, Kemenristekdikti RI and Bekraf RI. LIPI has also coordinated with Asosiasi Sentra KI (Association of IP Centers) Indonesia to expand the application of this innovation.

Conditions for Success

1. Support from Stakeholders. Currently stakeholder directly support INTIP DAQU development to ensure its benefits expand
2. Sufficient Financial Resources for INTIP DAQU system maintenance and development. Budget is also needed for technical training and management enhancement
3. Human Resources are needed to input and manage data, maintain and develop systems, and customer assistance
4. Infrastructure - sufficient data processor and storage
5. Involvement from various stakeholders to potentially realizing this innovation’s big dream-uniting Indonesia by uniting National IP Centers
6. Commitment binding through MoU that is inseparable in this innovation. MoU contains activities that support the improvement of human resources, managers and strengthening of IP institution
7. The strength of national IP institution in terms of infrastructure, budget and leadership commitment is the success key to the increase of IP productivity in an institution


Innovation Platform Replication (10 Institutions):
- Lembaga Penerbangan dan Antariksa Nasional (LAPAN) (URL:
- Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Jawa Timur (URL:
- Universitas Gadjah Mada (URL:
- Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (URL:
- Universitas Trunojoyo Madura (URL:
- Sekolah Tinggi Teknik – PLN (URL:
- Universitas Indraprasta PGRI Jakarta (URL:
- STKIP PGRI Bangkalan (URL:
- Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha (URL:
- Universitas Negeri Makassar (URL:

Lessons Learned

The more resources that are accessible and open to the public, the more accountability and trust will be given to the institution. INTIP DAQU is expected to become an indication on the implementation of Open Government principle by LIPI.
The commitment by top leadership towards increase in IP productivity is a self-challenge. The availability of human and budget resources for IP managers can be increased if the top leadership realize the importance of IP for their institution. INTIP DAQU becomes a triggering factor for LIPI leaders to be committed in increasing IP productivity as they could monitor the development of IP in real time. INTIP DAQU is a platform that facilitates attractive IP data management and presentation. On the other hand, it is also important to raise awareness among prospective investors to produce IP such that their hard efforts could be witnessed by everyone.

Anything Else?

National Geographic Indonesia has gained the benefits of this innovation. They plan to produce an article on food research, and they discovered a number of patents in INTIP DAQU that are relevant with the mentioned article topic. The article will be published in the National Geographic Indonesia Magazine in 2019.

Supporting Videos


  • Diffusing Lessons - using what was learnt to inform other projects and understanding how the innovation can be applied in other ways

Innovation provided by:



Date Published:

28 January 2014

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