Behavioural Insights Projects
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BI Project
We seek to increase voluntary appearances for people with outstanding Warrants to Arrest (WTA) through reminder phone calls from Māori Wardens and Police. This Auckland-based project follows a proof-of-concept trial in the Eastern District, in which Māori Wardens made phone calls to people with outstanding WTAs and we compared voluntary appearance rates for those who were reached via phone to those who were not.
While this trial in the Eastern District showed indicative evidence that phone…
BI Project
Text messaging to spur vaccination take-up: which type of communication is most effective?
In early 2022, various kinds of text messages were sent to over 100,000 residents of Brabant-Zuidoost who had not yet received a booster jab from the GGD. The results show that the most effective variant − in the 6 days after receiving the text message − led to a 3.2% increase in the number of vaccinations administered. This was the text message saying 'Jouw boosterprik ligt voor je klaar' (You can now book your booster vaccination) plus a randomly allocated date, time and location.
In partnership with Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) and Natural Resources Canada (NRCan), the Impact and Innovation Unit (IIU) has launched a multi-year program of research on climate change. The Program of Applied Research on Climate Action in Canada (PARCA Canada) combines behavioural science (BeSci) insights and methods with robust policy analysis to promote climate action. One of the main areas of focus involves the launch of a longitudinal survey that will, over time, collect…
BI Project
Feel & act green: can compliments about sustainable behaviour lead to the next sustainable…
Rijkswaterstaat (the Directorate-General for Public Works and Water Management) wants to induce behavioural change in several areas. The circular economy is one example. A study examined whether consumers will make more sustainable choices if they have been complimented on their past actions or behaviour that were environmentally friendly or sustainable. This proved to be the case.
Why this experiment was conducted: additional incentive for sustainable behaviour
Behavioural change is…
In 2014, Tanzania’s regulators made the country
the first in Sub-Saharan Africa to permit interest
payments on mobile money wallets. Currently, annual
interest rates range from seven to nine percent, four
times greater than the average deposit in a US bank.
Despite this, mobile savings balances remain low,
especially among low-income users.
In order to understand what influences the saving
behaviors of low-income Tanzanians, our team, eMBeD,
together with the Consultative Group to Assist…
In keeping with current thinking on violence prevention, the Violence Prevention Initiative @Schools (VPI@Schools) project focuses on strengthening protective factors for those learners most at risk of being victims of violence and reducing risk factors for those learners most at risk of perpetrating violence. Using a behaviourally informed project, the direct aim of the VPI@Schools project is to help learners develop alternative, positive automatic responses and change their beliefs and norms…
SIMPLESMENTE is an acronym formed by the initials of 12 mechanisms studied by the behavioral sciences. SIMPLESMENTE is an application to simplify and support the use of behavioral sciences in public policy designs. Based on a guided script, users define a problem of interest in public policies and are encouraged to assume the user's perspective. They are invited to apply a series of references, based on evidence and international practice, to improve their understanding of the situation and…
BI Project
Pre-contractual information and billing in the energy market – improved clarity and comparability
The study investigates minimum requirements and options for standardisation of energy offers and bills that ensure increased clarity and comparability, and puts forward better alternative “bill designs”. The study also examines the main factors discouraging energy consumers from switching, with a focus on the impact of exit fees in this decision. Finally, price comparison tools (PCTs) in the energy sector are examined and (independent) verification schemes for such tools are identified.
This project leverages an online survey experiment among federal employees involved in the process of translating information and evidence about a program into actionable policies and programs. The experiment’s primary aim is to test ways of presenting information to improve sensitivity to impact-relevant information about a program. The impact-relevant features tested are: the number of people impacted, the intermediate or final outcomes and the persistence of effects. In addition, the…
BI Project
Improved registration of development cooperation activities: How can an application ensure correct…
In a move aimed at improving how it registers its development cooperation activities, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs developed an application: IMPACT. This was successful in enabling budget holders to report activities more correctly: activities now have shorter names and are reported in English more often than previously. However, budget holders continue to use non-standard abbreviations.
Why this experiment was conducted: reports do not always comply with appropriate standards
The Ministry…