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An official website of the OECD. Find out more
Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

How to validate authenticity

Validation that this is an official OECD website can be found on the Innovative Government page of the corporate OECD website.


Seeking User Testers

We’re seeking volunteers to serve as user testers as we design and develop and new case study platform. If you’re interested, please let us know at [email protected].  OPSI is in the process if rebuilding its website. If you’re reading this blog, you’re already getting a peek! We’ve completely designed and developed a new front page, blog, and interactive community platform. This website is currently in beta and we will be refining the features and content in the...
On the 21st and 22nd of November, over 500 participants from all around the world gathered in Paris to share skills, experiences, practices and knowledge at the OPSI conference, with the one focus in mind: making innovation in government the ‘new normal’. The theme of the conference Innovation in Government: The New Normal (#opsi2017) came from the belief that innovative people and practices certainly exist in government, but they are not yet mainstreamed as they should be....
This blog was authored by former OPSI Policy Analyst, Matt Kerlogue  Bonne année. Gott nytt år. Frohes neues Jahr. 明けましておめでとうございます. Feliz año nuevo. Szczęśliwego nowego roku. Happy New Year! The OPSI team hopes that you have had a great start to 2017. In 2016 our team grew from two to six people. We launched off a number of projects under our European Horizon 2020 grant. And we ran a global call for innovation projects to...
Back in November 2014, at the launch of the Observatory of Public Sector Innovation, more than 400 policy makers, front line public servants, civil society organisations, and academics gathered at the OECD to celebrate government innovation—how we can do things differently to achieve positive results for individuals and society. At that event, the OECD made a call to action for governments to create the conditions to promote and enable public sector innovation. How did countries...

An innovative public sector?

Last week over three hundred people from the public, private and civil society sectors descended on the OECD in Paris. Why? To discuss an innovative public sector. For some of you that might sound like an oxymoron, but over two days stereotypes were left at the door as participants shared stories and learnt about innovation in the public sector.
We have created the OPSI at the request of OECD member countries in order to help them solve the real world problems that they face today. That’s why each innovation presented in the OPSI website answers the question: “Why the innovation was developed?”

Welcome to the Observatory Blog

Welcome to the Observatory of Public Sector Innovation's Blog. It's an open space to share your views and experiences of how the public sector is innovating, the challenges it faces and the opportunities to seize.