Innovation in Israel

From the 11 to 13 of March, OPSI travelled to Israel to interview high-level leaders from across the public sector to understand the Israeli context for innovation better.
“This trip was our first foray into this fascinating place, a short scan of how the public service operates. Israel has such diverse communities. Just how vastly different “innovation” looks to each community is the thing that really stood out to me’, said OPSI Analyst Kevin Richman.
OPSI helps governments better understand how to foster public sector innovation systems that can contribute to achieving their goals. Scans such as these are instrumental to improving our understanding of how government systems around the world work to support innovation (and what some common drivers or barriers might be).
‘This trip gave us the strong sense that innovation activity will always be as diverse as the needs it responds to. There really is no “one kind” of innovation, nor a “one-size-fits-all-approach” to it’, said OPSI Analyst Alex Roberts.
OPSI’s direct work with countries helps its leaders, managers and innovators better understand their own innovation system, their place in it and how its various components interact to support innovation. For more information about OPSI’s country studies visit here.