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Estonia adopts PPE tracking platform MASC


Innovative response

On 21 April 2020, the Estonian government launched MASC, a digital solution for monitoring PPE stock and demand in hospitals and other public sector institutions. The solution launched in Estonia is a pilot version created during the hackathon, The Global Hack, and is today used by over 300 institutions, including all hospitals, in Estonia.

The solution simplifies the collection of data on PPE inventories, needs and prognosis. The system allows for user-friendly collection of data throughout a country or region. MASC provides clear and compact data management with enhanced visualisation for a clear overview. This helps to make fast decisions, concerning distribution plans, as well as new procurements.

MASC is intended to provide immediate relief in the current crisis and it has long-term use as well. It is designed to be used after the crisis has passed to get an overview of PPE stockpiles nationally, making sure that we are better prepared for the next crisis. Moreover, routine data reporting and analysis allows early intervention which can help to avoid a global outbreak.

Our team is currently developing MASC's standalone solution and we are ready for global expansion in order to support governments in the fight against COVID-19.

Here is the Estonian government's press release:

Here is the presentation that includes links to the click-through demo and introductory video (slide 5), along with the description about the solution:

Specific issues addressed and anticipated impact



1. During COVID-19 crisis, making informed decisions on procurement and distribution of personal protective equipment (PPE) has been challenging
2. The difficulty in decision-making is mainly caused by the lack of data on PPE inventory, forecasts and usage across institutions in both public and private sector
3. Without the necessary tools, unforeseen crises such as COVID-19, can lead to unstructured data collection and analysis
4. Various needs at different levels can cause overwhelming reporting demands, confusion in reporting, and fragmented data management
5. Inefficient and overloaded processes contribute to increased error rates on all levels, from frontline reporting to strategic decision-making


Seamless data flow from institutions to the central database for effective decision-making


MASC is a centralised platform that allows national crisis response teams to have a real time overview of stockpiles of PPE in hospitals and other public sector institutions. MASC helps to make informed decisions on sourcing and distribution of PPE.

*Key Benefits

MASC helps to bring cohesion in data reporting between various layers of the government

Increased reporting accuracy and data security adds trust in the system

Optimised processes free up time for government and institutions to manage the crisis

Real time overview of stockpiles of PPE in institutions allows more optimised distribution of the existing stock within the country, thus cost-saving on new procurements would occur and overproduction can be prevented

*Value After the Crisis

MASC provides immediate relief to the COVID-19 crisis and will help to make sure that we are better prepared for the next crisis

Routine data reporting and analysis allows early intervention, helping to avoid the next global outbreak

MASC can be adapted to any crisis situation, enabling to track relevant items beyond PPE

Organisations/institutions involved

MASC has two types of users:

- Data collectors that make decisions on PPE procurements and distributions: National and Regional Governments
- Data reporters: all public institutions, including hospitals, councils, medical service providers, schools, prisons, etc

Potential issues

The digital solution is aimed for National and Regional Governments. Due to the ongoing economic recession, governments are reducing their budgets and are more careful in making any purchasing decisions on new solutions. While, MASC provides immediate relief to the COVID-19 crisis and will help to make sure that we are better prepared for the next crisis, it also frees up officials time, as well as, supports on cost-saving for new procurements.

The possible issues we are anticipating are related to explaining governments that our solution not only helps with the healthcare crisis, but it also assists in bringing down the related costs.

Level(s) of government:
  • National/Federal government
  • Regional/State government
  • Local government
  • International Organisation
  • Non-Profit/Civil Society

Issues being addressed:

  • Health and safety of responders
  • Resource management and mobilisation
  • Governance responses
  • Real-time data collection, sharing, and analysis

Response contact:

[email protected]


Date Submitted:

11 May 2020