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#GreeceVsVirus – Digital Innovation Against COVID-19


Innovative response

The Greek Ministry of Digital Govrnance launched, on April 14, two initiatives facilitating Digital Innovation Against COVID-19, using the hashtag #GreeceVsVirus, and is also participating in the #EUvsVirus challenge, as follows:

A. Digital Innovation Against COVID-19 Ideas Challenge

The challenge is an initiative of the Ministry of Digital Governance and aims to pursue innovative ideas to address the needs of the National Health System against the COVID-19 pandemic.

Ideas for Digi-Tech solutions against the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic
Digital applications that could be readily utilized by the National Health System

The proposals will be evaluated and those tht lead to immediately applicable solutions, will be awarded and suported for rapid implementation.

B. Rapid Implementation of Mature Digi-Tech Solutions

The Ministry of Digital Governance organizes the Rapid Implementation of Mature Digi-Tech Solutions Action, with the support of the Ministries of Health and Development & Investments.

Main objective of the action is to accelerate the implementation of technological solutions that are mature and ready for quick implementation and can give immediate results against the effects of the pandemic, with the top priority, the support of the National Health System.

The call is addressed to:

Companies with ready to use solutions for direct implementation and results.
Companies and teams that have excelled in other competitions (e.g. hackathons) addressing the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Documented proposals for utilization or repurposing already existing infrastructure and production facilities.
The proposals will be evaluated by a high-ranking committee and those who qualify will be presented at a special online event.
Those that will excel, will be supported by the provision of resources, financial and technical, provided by the Ministry of Digital Government, and the supporters of the action.

Specific issues addressed and anticipated impact

The main objective is to address specific needs of the National Health System, by utilizing available technologies, and also to accelerate the adaptation and implementation of exsisting and readily available producs and services, against the effects of he pandemic.

A secondary objective is the mobilization of the innovation ecosystem to address the various problems arising from the pandemic as well as the issues of dealing with the aftermath.

Organisations/institutions involved

Ministry of Digital Governance
Ministry of Development & Investments
Ministry of Health
GRNET – National Infrastructures for Research and Technology

Potential issues

Financial support, Sustainability, International synergies

Level(s) of government:
  • National/Federal government
  • International Organisation
  • Private Sector

Issues being addressed:

  • Resource management and mobilisation
  • Crowdsourcing solutions

Response contact:

[email protected]

Response tags:


Date Submitted:

23 April 2020