Innovative response
The French Civic Reserve is a platform that allows French citizens to volunteer for particular tasks during the quarantine period. There are 4 'vital missions':
1 - Distributing basic food and emergency aid to the most disadvantaged.
2 - Exceptional childcare for children of
3- Connecting with isolated fragile people (digitally via telephone,
4 - Shopping for essential products for fragile neighbours
The platform allows people to volunteer, or for organisations to propose their own assignment or mission that they will need volunteers for.
It also has 5 safety rules for volunteers. That they:
1 - maintain social distance
2 - are an ambassador for safety rules more generally
3 - are not over 70 or carrying a chronic disaease
4 - will avoid touching things
5 - will stay at home and inform the association if they show the slightest infection.
Specific issues addressed and anticipated impact
The French Civic Reserve will allow French citizens to carry out vital functions necessary for vulnerable populations during the Covid19 crisis. Citizens can volunteer and organisations can suggest a mission for volunteers, on a single digital platform that will align the needs of organisations and vulnerable people with the supply of willing volunteers.
Organisations/institutions involved
French Civic Reserve; French Government
- National/Federal government
- Non-Profit/Civil Society
Issues being addressed:
- Resource management and mobilisation
Response tags:
Social SolidarityDate Submitted:
14 April 2020