Innovative response
The team Shield 48 won the HackForce hackathon that took place 17-19 March with its design and plan to manufacture and supplie face shields to medical professionals during the COVID-19 health crisis. Subsequent to the hackathon, Shield48 has already manufactured 10,000 face shields to Latvian state medics according to the contract with the Latvian National Health Service and delivered to Latvian hospitals. With a new grant, Shield48 plans to use the loan to cover the future costs of raw materials and manufacturing to fulfil new deliveries. The team has also made Shield48 face shield design accessible to everyone.
Specific issues addressed and anticipated impact
Personal protective equipment
Organisations/institutions involved
Latvian Development finance institution ALTUM
- National/Federal government
- Private Sector
Issues being addressed:
- Health and safety of responders
- Resource management and mobilisation
- Crowdsourcing solutions
Response tags:
Open CallDate Submitted:
8 April 2020