Cabinet and Parliament decision-making takes place remotely in Latvia. Cabinet sittings in Latvia take place remotely since 24 March 2020. Instead of gathering in the official meeting room in the Cabinet building, ministers now meet online in Zoom platform.Β
COVID-19 Innovative Response Tracker
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Offering assistance of volunteers to anyone who is in the risk group or quarantine in order to purchase basic necessities and groceries or to provide other kinds of essential support in order for you to be able to stay at home. The platform connects those who need help with those who want to help.
The team Shield 48 won the HackForce hackathon that took place 17-19 March with its design and plan to manufacture and supplie face shields to medical professionals during the COVID-19 health crisis. Subsequent to the hackathon, Shield48 has already manufactured 10,000 face shields to Latvian state medics according to the contract with the Latvian National Health Service and delivered to Latvian hospitals. With a new grant, Shield48 plans to use the loan to cover the future costs of raw…
A chatbot specifically on/for Covid-19
Single Government COVID-19 Helpline 8345 aims to ensure that people in Latvia have an opportunity to receive a cost-free consultation on various specific Covid-19 related issues through a single line. It improves client experience with better communication design since there is single access point (via telephone) to get answers to frequently asked questions. Furthermore, for more detailed answers client is connected to the most appropriate organisation to get an answer/consultation. Helpline…
The TechChill Foundation is hosting a fully virtual hackathon for the online environment. HackForce is taking place from March 17 to March 19! Hackathon aims to find solutions to the challenges posed by the coronavirus crisis by mobilizing volunteer resources at the community level. Organized by volunteers from the startup community, hackathon HackForce has gathered already 650 participants (and this number is increasing EVERY minute) from 18 countries. Hackers have formed 28 teams and are…