Innovative response
The Hauts-de-France hub for civic, social and citizen engagement is an online platform created by the Hauts-de-France government and SiiLab which details all the possible initiatives in which citizens can get involved in this region. It lists the various initiatives, describes the problems that they are addressing, how they attempt to solve those problems, and how citizens can get involved.
Specific issues addressed and anticipated impact
A lot of people want to volunteer to help in the societal effort to combat coronavirus. However, there are many options for how citizens can get involved. This hub will enable citizens to assess all the possible ways in which they can get involved to work out which is best for them.
Organisations/institutions involved
Préfet de la Région Hauts-de-France; SiiLab
- Regional/State government
- Local government
- Non-Profit/Civil Society
Issues being addressed:
- Information and practice sharing (with public and/or internal)
- Resource management and mobilisation
Response tags:
Social SolidarityDate Submitted:
15 April 2020