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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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Validation that this is an official OECD website can be found on the Innovative Government page of the corporate OECD website.


Co-design Canvas

Champion CHAMPION:
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This is canvas and background guidance around a set of principles for co-design, inspired by the principles developed by the NSW Council of Social Services. The principles are: Outcomes-focused, Inclusive, Participative, Respectful, Adaptive. The canvas includes an example case study.

Cartilla Co-Crear (Co-create Booklet)

Basic BASIC:
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In this booklet you will find tools to implement the CO-CRE-AR methodology in its three phases: Understanding, Creating and Arming. CO-CRE-AR moves in spaces of divergence and convergence. The first part invites you to UNDERSTAND in detail the challenge you want to face; the second to CREATE with openness and generate ideas without many restrictions, to then land them and make them concrete in work plans, including the necessary communication elements to "sell" the solution in the organization.

Playbook for innovation learning

Champion CHAMPION:
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This playbook has been created for innovation practitioners who want to spread innovation skills, methods and tools or build an innovation capacity. It covers the design of effective learning experiences, identification and articulation of learning needs, pitching a learning offer at the right level, and connection of a team or innovation strategy with learning and development. It contains overview of 35 methods that Nesta regularly uses in its practice. Each method description includes a short…

Neighbourhood Ideas Exchange Toolkit

Champion CHAMPION:
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This toolkit is for people help each other map out the skills, knowledge, resources and capabilities they have in order to respond to, and effect, change in their community. The Possible Futures Lab of the Information Security Group at Royal Holloway University of London originally developed the toolkit to assist grassroots co-creation in the community of Pallion, Sunderland. They have made their toolkits available to others to adapt.

Polak Game

Over a dozen years of use to date, the game represents an accessible approach to introducing "images of the future" as a basic property of both cultures and individuals, and can be used as an introduction for more advanced futures and foresight tools and frameworks. It provides a structure for facilitating conversation among groups of participants and intended for groups. Duration is flexible, but typically runs 30-60 minutes. The resource provides step-by-step guidance for how to run the game…
This online library contains over 400 facilitation resources, available with free login. Tools are organised by topic: Team, Energiser, Idea generation, Issue resolution, Explore and understand, Action. They include information such as time required, group size, difficulty, materials, step-by-step instructions, tips, and variations as well as user comments. This private company also offers free and paid session planner software using the methods in the library.

Gamestorming Toolkit

This website and blog containing a toolkit based on the book GameStorming (not free) and intends to bring a playful or game-like atmosphere to group problem solving activities for the purpose of creating an mindset conducive to innovation and change-making. The site contains games for different purposes, including vision and strategy, planning, problem-solving, and decision-making. The online resources describe each method and technique in terms of: Object of Play, Number of Players, Duration of…

Follow the Rabbit: A Field Guide to Systemic Design

Champion CHAMPION:
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This Field Guide is a systems take on typical design thinking methodology. It demonstrates how to design something with a greater emphasis on creativity and humour. The Guide goes through a systemic design project from concept to implementation. It takes you through the workshop planning process, and discusses workshop roles and client relations. In the FAQs, you’ll find explanations to some commonly asked questions about systemic design concepts to help you introduce others to SD and bring…

Positive Deviance Initiative

The publishers describe the PD concept as: based on the observation that in every community or organization, there are a few individuals or groups whose uncommon but successful behaviors and strategies have enabled them to find better solutions to problems than their neighbors who face the same challenges and barriers and have access to same resources. This resource orients newcomers to the Positive Deviance (PD) approach and provide the essential tools to get started. It includes a brief…

Hyper Island Toolbox

This is a collection of methods and activities, based on Hyper Island’s core methodology, for creative collaboration and realising potential in teams or organisations. It’s a collection of methods and activities, based on Hyper Island’s core methodology and is focused on Learning-by-doing (or Experiential Learning), Reflection (or Reflective Practice), and workshop or group facilitation. It includes Hyper Island tools as well as tools from others.