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Adverse Drug Reaction(ADR) Relief System

Medicinal products, due to their nature, have potential for side effects along with therapeutic effects even when they are used correctly. Since 19 Dec 2014, Ministry of Food and Drug Safety (MFDS) and Korea Institute of Drug Safety & Risk Management (KIDS) have instituted Adverse Drug Reaction(ADR) Relief System to help people inflicted by such side effects to receive aid without legal action.

Innovation Summary

Innovation Overview

In 2012, MFDS had initiated a research project to prepare the ADR relief system in Korea. And the Pharmaceutical Affairs Act was revised in 2013 in consultation with industry-academy-government adverse drug reaction council consisting of pharmaceutical companies, consumer groups, and experts of relevant fields.

Furthermore, in 2012, KIDS was founded for systemic collection, analysis, and evaluation of information about adverse drug reactions. In addition, ‘Adverse Drug Reaction Review Committee’ was established to investigate the causal relationship between the medicinal product and side effect. These formed the foundation of Adverse Drug Reaction Relief System.

Adverse Drug Reaction Relief System was built on these inputs and its introduction was consulted with the National Assembly. As a result, revised Pharmaceutical Affairs Act to introduce the Adverse Drug Reaction Relief System was issued on 18 Mar 2014, and the ADR relief system was instituted on 19 Dec 2014 successfully.

We expect the Adverse Drug Reaction Relief System to be activated as a social safety net to protect people from unexpected, severe adverse drug reactions. Victims of ADR, medical service providers and stakeholders of pharmaceutical company, would benefit from this ADR relief system in Korea.

Since its institution on 19 Dec 2014, a total of 283 cases have been opened by the first half of 2018.

Innovation Description

What Makes Your Project Innovative?

Medicinal products, due to their nature, have both therapeutic effects and side effects. In general, side effects that develop during correct use of medicinal product gradually disappear when the concerned product is discontinued or switched to another product. However, in rare cases, side effects may lead to death, disability, or disease.

Adverse Drug Reaction Relief System provides lump sum death benefit, funeral expense, lump sum disability benefit, and medical expense to victims or their family in case of harm such as death, disability, or disease during correct use of medicinal product. Since its institution on 19 Dec 2014, this system has gradually expanded its coverage, encompassing lump sum death benefit in 2014-2015, funeral expense and lump sum disability benefit in 2016, and medical expense in 2017.

Adverse Drug Reaction Relief System is funded by fees from pharmaceutical companies based on their sales performance.

What is the current status of your innovation?

Before this system has started in Korea, victims of adverse drug reactions had to prove the causal relationship between the product and side effects personally via individual lawsuit, which took long time (5 years on average). Now, through this system, victims can receive indemnity in about 6 months from the reception. The system has given innovative benefits to the victims of unexpected ADR, performing a key role as a social safety net as a part of postmarketing safety regulation in Korea.

Innovation Development

Collaborations & Partnerships

Adverse Drug Reaction Relief System is sponsored by MFDS, and performed by KIDS practically, as a government-affiliated institution under MFDS. KIDS plays a key role, such as investigation for causality assessment, and collection of fees paid by pharmaceutical companies.
Pharmaceutical companies, by paying yearly fees that fund the Adverse Drug Reaction Relief System, supports smooth operation of the system.

Users, Stakeholders & Beneficiaries

People inflicted by adverse drug reaction are indemnified via Adverse Drug Reaction Relief System. Pharmaceutical companies are cooperating for its funding, and experts including physicians and pharmacists are striving to analyze the causal relationship between medicinal products and side effects.

Innovation Reflections

Results, Outcomes & Impacts

Since its institution on 19 Dec 2014, a total of 283 cases have been opened by the first half of 2018. The number of case has been increasing from 20 cases in 2015 to 65 cases in 2016 and 126 cases in 2017. 215 out of 283 cases have been reviewed until now. 168 out of these 215 cases have been accepted as adverse drug reactions, and thus lump sum death benefit, funeral expense, lump sum disability benefit, or medical expense have been paid to victims or their family. Payouts amount to approximately 40 billion KRW until now.

o Indemnity Payouts (2015 ~ 2017)
- Lump sum death benefit : 36cases(2,748,768,000won)
- Funeral expense : 36cases(234,099,380won)
- Lump sum disability benefit : 6cases(354,066,900won)
- Medical expense : 50cases(79,611,254won)

Challenges and Failures

Although it was specified in the Pharmaceutical Affairs Act in 1991, Adverse Drug Reaction Relief System could not come into effect for a long time since details for its operations were not defined.
Proposal of revised Pharmaceutical Affairs Act during the National Assembly meeting in 2007 triggered social debate. However, the proposal was rejected and thus Adverse Drug Reaction Relief System was not introduced in Korea.


Adverse Drug Reaction Relief System fits domestic circumstances since pharmaceutical companies actively cooperated for its funding and consumer groups and experts of relevant fields actively provided inputs.

Year: 2014
Level of Government: Other


  • Implementation - making the innovation happen
  • Diffusing Lessons - using what was learnt to inform other projects and understanding how the innovation can be applied in other ways

Innovation provided by:

Date Published:

28 January 2014

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