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CAMPING EMBUN (Camping by Serving Plantation Residents)


The gap in residency rights for residents living in plantation/forest areas has an impact on unequal distribution of social assistance, health, education and difficulty in accessing public services. The Camping Embun innovation is a camping activity which provides population administration services in plantation/forest areas and completes population documents that aren't there or haven't been updated. So that, residents in the area have legal certainty regarding ownership of population documents

Innovation Summary

Innovation Overview

Banyuwangi Regency has an area of 5,782.50 km2, almost half of which is forest and plantation areas. Forest areas reached 183,396.34 ha or 31.72%, while plantation areas reached 82,143.63 ha or 14.21%. The number of residents living in plantation/forest areas is statistically not large, but most of them don’t have update population documents, some even don’t have them at all. This is due to the lack of awareness of the population regarding ownership of population documents. Factors that influence the lack of awareness of the population regarding ownership of population documents include:
1. Long distances and locations that are geographically difficult to reach the nearest population administration service location;
2. The working hours of the residents who live in this area are morning to evening. Most of them work as plantation workers. They only have time at night when service hours are no longer available.
This has an impact on gaps in residency rights for residents who live in these areas, such as unequal distribution of social assistance, health, education and difficulty in accessing public services because the entrance to public services in Indonesia is based on the NIK contained in population documents.
The Camping Embun innovation is a population administration service by visiting plantation/forest areas, camping for several days by providing population administration services and completing all population documents that are not owned or have not been updated.
This innovation aims to bring services closer to residents, especially remote residents who live in plantation/forest areas which are geographically far from the reach of population administration service locations with effective service hours for them, as well as a manifestation of the Government's presence in guaranteeing basic population rights to remote residents living in the area, it can provide population administration services directly and providing independence for population documents that are not owned in the form of Family Cards (KK), Electronic Identity Cards (KTP-el), Child Identity Cards (KIA), Birth Certificates and Death Certificates. In this way, residents in the area have legal certainty regarding ownership of population documents. Of course, residents in the area get benefits from this innovation.
It is hoped that this innovation can be developed by including other services besides population that are needed by residents in the region through collaboration and cooperation between agencies.

Innovation Description

What Makes Your Project Innovative?

Camping Embun is a population administration service pick-up activity that is focused on residents living in plantation/forest areas. This innovation is interesting because provides population administration service facilities that are closer, easier, cheaper, effective, efficient and affordable for the residents who live in the area, thereby raising awareness of the population regarding the management and ownership of population documents.
Before carrying out this activity, a location inspection will be carried out to determine the geographical, cultural and population conditions that inhabit the area. During the activity, Camping Embun officers set up tents at the service location like camping. For several days the officers spent time at the location providing services, which were mostly carried out at night, even until the early days and continued the next day. Camping Embun activities can last for two to three days by providing the best service for maximum output.

What is the current status of your innovation?

The Camping Embun innovation was implemented in 2021, and is currently still in the implementation stage. Because not all plantation/forest areas have been reached by this activity, considering that it requires preparation before implementation to maximize the output. To date, 8 (eight) plantation/forest areas have been visited.
In this stage, an evaluation was also carried out through community satisfaction with innovations carried out by the Banyuwangi Regency Population and Civil Registration Service, one of which was the Camping Embun innovation using a quantitative method approach

Innovation Development

Collaborations & Partnerships

Camping Embun collaborates with civil society, villages, subdistricts and PT. Perkebunan Nusantara IIX (PTPN) in socializing activities that will be carried out in plantation/forest locations, so that residents living in the area know and prepare themselves in processing population documents that they do not yet have. Camping Embun also collaborates with the Department of Communication, Information and Encryption in terms of network support. Because the area is far from internet access points.

Users, Stakeholders & Beneficiaries

User:resident plantation/forest area
Stakeholders:civil society, organisavillages, subdistricts and PT. Perkebunan Nusantara (PTPN), and Department of Communication, Information and Encryption
Residents:Get population administration service facilities that are closer, easier, more effective and affordable
Villages/districts:Easy in data collection and public administration
The Population and Civil Registration Service:Increase the target coverage of population document ownership

Innovation Reflections

Results, Outcomes & Impacts

Results and impacts can be known by comparing data before and after the innovation is implemented(attachment). On average, 35% of residents in the area don't yet have population documents and 41% don't have updated population documents. Meanwhile, the average completion of population documents in one implementation can reach 90.09% of the total population living in the area. The remaining 9,91% are residents who aren't physically present in that place, this could be because they work outside the city or even abroad.

Challenges and Failures

The big challenge in this innovation is geographical conditions, tending to be on the outskirts of cities and in the highlands. Difficult access is the main obstacle in providing equitable and efficient services. Extreme weather changes in plantation areas can affect the mobility of field teams, damage infrastructure and threaten the continuity of activities. Limited resources such as electricity and the internet as well as the diversity of society in terms of culture, education and public awareness are challenges to the success of this innovation. Failure is never encountered because careful planning and risk mitigation are always prepared to anticipate it and the location is inspected before implementation.

Conditions for Success

Support from the leadership is contained in the Decree of the Head of the Banyuwangi Regency Population and Civil Registration Service and Banyuwangi Regent Regulations. Infrastructure support includes the availability of service cars with adequate equipment and network support from the Communications, Information and Encryption Department. Resource support includes human: the availability of a solid Camping Embun team, financial: the availability of a budget sourced from the Special Allocation Fund/Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget. The Camping Embun Team has received technical guidance at the trial stage. The implementation of this innovation has been adjusted to the Standard Operating Procedures and Technical Guidelines.


The Camping Embun innovation is very likely to be applied in other regency/cities that have similar conditions, where geographically there are many highlands/mountains with a population distribution in the area. This innovation can solve the problem of disparities in population rights for residents who live in these areas, such as unequal distribution of social assistance, health, education and difficulty accessing public services. What needs to be considered in replicating this innovation is the availability of resources, supporting infrastructure and stakeholder commitment.

Lessons Learned

An innovation will run well if it is supported by all stakeholders and a solid team. A solid team is created by the dedication and commitment of the leadership. A solid team is a super team that is able to work and solve problems together, not a super hero who relies on his own skills. The Camping Embun Team consists of 7 (seven) personnel who are able to work hard and complete thousands of documents at each point, depending on the number of residents occupying the area, with special strategies so that they are able to overcome all challenges and obstacles in its implementation.

Project Pitch

Supporting Videos


  • Implementation - making the innovation happen

Innovation provided by:


Date Published:

27 June 2024

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