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This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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Mein Wien – Personal Government

The City of Vienna offers a wide range of online services for the convenience of its citizens. The "Mein Wien" platform provides a personalized, one-stop solution for accessing city-related information, simplifying tasks such as registering a residence or paying dog license fees. It goes beyond traditional methods and ensures that citizens experience greater convenience and efficiency in their interactions with the government. With real-time updates on public transportation, weather, air quality, and cultural events, "Mein Wien" enhances the daily lives of Viennese citizens.

Innovation Summary

Innovation Overview

Online services are an important part of the city’s service range The city's website allows registering to take care of many official matters from the comfort of their own home, such as dog tax registrations or applying for a parking permit for residents. In addition to these services, the City of Vienna also offers a wide range of leisure and cultural activities. From concerts and exhibitions to sports activities, Vienna has just the right options for every preference.
In order to keep track of everything, the City of Vienna has created the one-stop shop "Mein Wien", a personalized platform where users can find all city-related information at a glance. After registering with their City of Vienna account on their first visit to or using the City of Vienna app, users gain much easier access to official application forms and other e-government matters. In the mobile application, users can also opt to receive real-time information on various aspects of life in Vienna. Among other things, "Mein Wien" keeps users up to date on current public transport departure times and service interruptions. In addition to traffic information, "Mein Wien" also provides weather alerts and air quality information for all 23 districts of Vienna, as well as updates on promotions and discounts from the city's free Bonus Club, which offers points for leisure activities and cultural events throughout Vienna. Users can find out about nearby events and activities, register for activities directly through Mein Wien, and receive other important information. Users can also subscribe to keywords (such as "flea market") to receive updates and event suggestions that match their personal interests.

Since the start of the project in November 2021, the City of Vienna has continuously improved and further developed its services and taken important steps towards a more digital, modern and efficient city administration. Meanwhile, the excellent track record of "Mein Wien" has attracted new projects within the city administration and requests from its individual departments, which are systematically checked for relevant information and offers that can be integrated into "Mein Wien". The economic key figures of the project reflect and illustrate this progress. In Vienna, 450,000 accounts are currently registered with "Mein Wien". In addition, the City of Vienna app has already been downloaded an impressive 390,000 times, showing that citizens appreciate the benefits of digital services. The app has also received an incredible 10,000,000 views, indicating a high level of usage and interest. In addition, 150,000 citizens have signed up for real-time subscriptions to receive important information and updates first-hand. These figures show the growing digital engagement of the Viennese population and the increasing importance of technology and innovation in city government.

Innovation Description

What Makes Your Project Innovative?

The novelty of the solution: "Mein Wien" introduces a new approach to citizen services, serving as a one-stop platform for accessing various city services. It goes beyond traditional methods and ensures that citizens experience greater convenience and efficiency in their interactions with the government.
Creative Leap: The project creatively redefines digital government services by providing personalized, mobile-friendly access and real-time information.
Culture of learning, innovation and self-improvement: Since its launch in November 2021, "Mein Wien" has embodied a culture of continuous learning and innovation.
Adapting and evolving: The success of Mein Wien not only benefits Vienna, but also inspires other city departments to seek similar innovative solutions. The willingness to integrate services into Mein Wien signifies the adaptability and evolution of innovative solutions, fostering a ripple effect of innovation within the organization.

What is the current status of your innovation?

Since the project was launched in November 2021, the City of Vienna has been continuously improving and further developing its services, taking major steps toward an even more digital, modern and efficient city administration. By now, the excellent track record of “Mein Wien” has attracted new projects within the City Administration and requests from its individual departments, which are systematically checked for relevant information and offers that can be integrated into "Mein Wien".

Key project figures:
• “Mein Wien” – currently 450,000 individual accounts
• Stadt Wien App 420,000 downloads
• 10,000,000 visits per year
• 150,000 real-time subscriptions

Since 2021, Vienna has lived up to its reputation as a capital of digital innovation by continuously further developing and improving “Mein Wien” services, ensuring swift and customised access, and making clear progress towards a more modern and highly effective city administration.

Innovation Development

Collaborations & Partnerships

In the course of development, citizens from the Digital Agenda Vienna community were brought on board to provide feedback, including after the beta launch via a dedicated feedback tool on the platform.
In addition, all relevant stakeholders, from politicians to the relevant departments and district offices, were intensively involved.

Users, Stakeholders & Beneficiaries

This is how users or stakeholders benefit from the project:
- Personal government via mobile phone for public authority appointments and tasks
- Immediate updates on important news and events via push notifications
- Local news and event updates
- Personalised suggestions based on individual interests and preferences
- Keeping track of news, events and important information on the city.

Innovation Reflections

Results, Outcomes & Impacts

The "Mein Wien" project has successfully achieved its goals and delivered significant benefits to the City of Vienna and its citizens. The project shows high user engagement with registered accounts and 390,000 app downloads, demonstrating widespread adoption. Improved government efficiency is evident, as citizens are able to conveniently conduct official matters online, reducing administrative burdens. The provision of real-time information on various aspects of daily life, coupled with 150,000 real-time subscriptions, highlights the impact of the platform on citizens' lives. These metrics provide clear evidence of the project's success in attracting and retaining users.

Challenges and Failures

What can a citizen portal look like that is so attractive in terms of design and services that users want to come back again and again? Especially considering the fact that people only have an average of 2 contacts with the government per year. The solution was to offer a personalized additional range of municipal information/services.
To create a central, modern interface and data architecture based on the existing technical possibilities, which can be integrated/addressed by all source systems.
Especially in the case of official services, compliance with data protection regulations (especially the regulation on the delimitation of areas) was both the highest priority and the greatest challenge.

Conditions for Success

The sustained success of Mein Wien suggests that the project has the support of higher administrative and political levels. Its growth and the fact that it has inspired other departments within the city administration to integrate their services into the platform indicate strong support from higher levels of government. This political support is crucial for the longevity of innovative solutions in public administration.


The "Mein Wien" project has the potential for transferability and offers valuable lessons that are relevant to other entities, both within different Member States and various levels of government, as well as peer cities and regions. Its focus on digital transformation, user-centric design, integrated services, and real-time information can be adapted and replicated to improve the quality of public services and citizen engagement in a variety of contexts.

Lessons Learned

It requires the involvement of all relevant stakeholders.
It requires a high level of methodological expertise - when is an agile approach appropriate and when is a classic approach?
Note: Mein Wien was implemented exclusively agile and, due to the high volatility, exclusively using KANBAN. The development specifications were far too changeable for sprint planning.
Such a significant project with an impact on all IT areas requires a high level of management commitment - in this case: the client, StR Hanke (then City Councillor for Digitalization) and CIO Ulrike Huemer, right up to the joint press conference at the launch including the mayor of Vienna.

Year: 2021
Level of Government: National/Federal government


  • Implementation - making the innovation happen

Innovation provided by:

Date Published:

24 June 2024

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