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NEMO ST – Program for the reorganization and modernization of the registry offices

1. Blueprint of a NEMO program

The NEMO program is a forward-thinking initiative reimagining Hamburg's public registry offices to meet future demands by integrating digital transformation with user-centric services. Developed in response to an urgent need for modern, efficient public services, the program orchestrates a holistic transformation by managing 16 interconnected projects aiming to digitize citizen interactions by including agile management, cross-sector collaboration, and advanced technology.

Innovation Summary

Innovation Overview

The NEMO program represents a dynamic shift towards the digitalization and modernization of Hamburg's registry offices, aiming to significantly enhance operational efficiencies, citizen engagement, and the modernization of entrenched processes. This initiative was born from the urgent need to make public services more digitally accessible and overhaul outdated administrative practices. NEMO artfully incorporates leading-edge online service enhancements and agile methodologies. It propels the city's registry offices to the vanguard of public service innovation, syncing with Hamburg's overarching digital strategy, improving employee working conditions, and increasing public contentment.

Central to the NEMO program's foundational strategy was an exhaustive stakeholder consultation process. This included embracing digital innovation through methodologies such as digital twins and AI to refine services, guided by the visionary e-Estonia digital governance model. Integrating agile governance principles, NEMO ensures adaptability, continuous refinement, and enduring relevance and sustainability.
The program's ambitious objectives include boosting operational efficiency, promoting transparency, and presenting user-centered digital solutions which mirror the entire gamut of citizens' lifecycle events. It strives for a balanced approach that improves working conditions for public employees, making registry offices more attractive as workplaces. This thoughtful and detailed planning and execution strategy guarantees the provision of high-quality services, enhancing user satisfaction and strengthening public trust in governmental bodies.

Envisioned as a pioneering example in the landscape of public sector innovation, NEMO looks to become a scalable model adaptable to other areas of public service, fostering a cohesive and flexible digital ecosystem responsive to society's demands. The program is inspired by global best practices in digital governance, particularly the e-Estonia initiative, celebrated for its trailblazing efforts in forming a digital society. NEMO aspires to emulate this level of achievement within Hamburg's distinct environment. The program is conceived not just as a solution for the present but as an expandable foundation for the future public services landscape. It projects an evolving digital ecosystem, offering interconnected and adaptable services tailored to societal needs. NEMO aims to establish an international standard in public sector innovation, institutionalizing these transformative changes to act as a replicable and scalable template for enhancing public service delivery worldwide. This bold vision reaffirms NEMO's commitment to innovation, highlighted by novel methods, thorough stakeholder engagement, and a marked improvement in service outcomes for individuals, further solidifying public trust in institutions.

Innovation Description

What Makes Your Project Innovative?

The NEMO program stands out for its holistic and agile approach to modernizing public registry offices, a first of its kind in combining extensive stakeholder collaboration with cutting-edge digital tools and methodologies. Unlike traditional, linear models of public service reform, NEMO incorporates agile project management to enable swift adaptation to changing needs and continuous improvement, ensuring services remain responsive and user-centered. Its integration of smart technologies, inspired by the e-Estonia digital governance model, sets a new benchmark by offering seamless, digitally enhanced services across the citizen lifecycle. This program not only addresses immediate operational efficiencies but also envisions a scalable and replicable model for future public services, making it a unique and innovative blueprint for digital transformation. The design of proactive administrative services that provide citizens with services without an application is particularly important.

What is the current status of your innovation?

The program is actively in the implementation phase, with key components being rolled out across Hamburg’s registry offices. As of now, significant strides have been made toward integrating digital solutions for citizen services, such as online appointments and digitization of essential records like birth certificates. Agile project management is in full swing, ensuring the program's flexible adaptation to feedback and evolving requirements. Collaborative efforts between Nortal, municipal digitalization representatives, and registry office staff continue to strengthen, fostering an environment of continuous learning and improvement. Current efforts emphasize enhancing user interfaces and developing a modern, accessible digital platform to improve service delivery and satisfaction. The program's progress underscores its commitment to transforming public service delivery through a holistic, innovative approach prioritizing efficiency, accessibility, and user-centricity.

Innovation Development

Collaborations & Partnerships

  • Government Officials: Provide strategic direction, ensuring alignment with municipal digital goals. Provided invaluable insights into operational needs, user experiences.
  • Citizens: Offer feedback that shapes service design, emphasizing user-centric solutions.
  • Civil Society Organizations: Contribute insights on accessibility and inclusion for accessible services.
  • Nortal & Tech Companies: Bring technical expertise and innovative digital solutions and expertise in digital transformation.

Users, Stakeholders & Beneficiaries

  • Citizens & Customers: Immediate impact on ease of service access and processing time, enhancing overall satisfaction.
  • Employees: Reduced workload, increased efficiency and job satisfaction.
  • Applicants: Attractiveness as an employer enhanced by digital work environment options, catering to work-life balance.
  • Project Participants: Leadership, staff, and stakeholders contribute to the program's innovative approach.
  • Public & Politics: Positive media and political attention.

Innovation Reflections

Results, Outcomes & Impacts

We've observed strong support for the program, with key figures actively engaging in workshops and dedicating time to drive progress. A program management structure is being established to coordinate the anticipated 16 projects, some of which have already commenced. Notable public interest projects are generating media inquiries, indicating early public engagement and interest. Technologies like telepresence and video identification are being considered for expansion, reflecting our adaptability to innovative solutions. While tangible results and numeric outcomes are yet to be fully quantified, the strong foundation laid, and proactive steps taken are promising indicators of the program's future impact on public services transformation.

Challenges and Failures

  • High staff turnover in the project team in government side, limited personnel, mirroring the issues we aim to resolve.
  • A need for more project leadership on the client side to steer ongoing projects effectively.
  • Encountered resistance, with individuals anchored in old ways of thinking and traditional processes.
  • Initially, leadership's limited availability posed a challenge. Successfully negotiated bi-weekly 4-hour slots for workshops and discussions.
  • Developed and implemented new communication channels, enhancing process transparency and engagement.
    These challenges were met with strategic negotiations and adaptive communication methods, ensuring continued progress and stakeholder involvement despite initial setback

Conditions for Success

  • Effective program management and willingness to rethink within complex structures.
  • Shared work culture, trust, and clear understanding of common strategy and innovation level.
  • Adequate supporting infrastructure and services to underpin digital transformation, including the political level.
  • Comprehensive policies and rules that facilitate rather than hinder innovation.
  • Strong leadership and guidance to navigate the program through challenges.
  • Sufficient human and financial resources dedicated to implementation and scaling.
  • Personal values and motivation driving stakeholder engagement and commitment.
  • Collaboration between Nortal and clients for tailored service delivery.


The NEMO program is designed as a blueprint for public service innovation, aimed at transforming registry offices in Hamburg and setting a precedent for similar programs. Its structured yet flexible approach offers potential for replication within various sectors in Hamburg and across different German cities and public offices, enhancing seamless service delivery and proactive public services. The program illustrates the feasibility and benefits of adopting innovative, citizen-centric service models, offering a scalable template for public administration modernization.

Lessons Learned

  • Embrace openness to new projects and initiatives for continuous improvement.
  • Engage team members early in a well-structured pre-concept phase.
  • Ensure transparency about the level of input required from leaders and experts.
  • Foster a program-centric mindset that prioritizes overarching goals and integrated efforts.
  • Invite and commit to genuine modernization and innovation.
  • Utilize agile frameworks effectively while being mindful of the tension with traditional project management, recognizing when classical methods may serendipitously serve the program’s objectives.

Anything Else?

The NEMO program not only forms a blueprint, but also the basis for a new form of mindset in an already innovative city like Hamburg. This makes it clear that the complexity of the digital transformation of authorities cannot be addressed simply by establishing individual projects that improve individual aspects of the administration. The NEMO program shows that digital transformation can only be successful if projects are integrated into a comprehensive program context and challenges can thus be overcome holistically. The program has also laid the foundation for more proactive and personalized administration in Hamburg.


  • Implementation - making the innovation happen

Innovation provided by:


Date Published:

27 June 2024

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