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SMART LIDAR System for Monitoring Air Pollution and Detecting Illegal Emissions through Technological Development

The SMART LIDAR System uses advanced scanning lidar technology to monitor air quality in real-time and detect pollutants accurately. It helps identify and enforce against illegal emissions, reducing environmental pollution. Affordable and scalable, it offers an innovative solution for air quality monitoring.

Innovation Summary

Innovation Overview

The SMART LIDAR System emerges as a pinnacle of innovation in the realm of air quality monitoring and enforcement, spearheading a transformative approach to combatting environmental pollution. Developed through a collaborative endeavor between AICT, Samwoo TCS Inc., and Gyeonggi Province, this groundbreaking technology embodies the fusion of cutting-edge scientific expertise and proactive governmental support.
The SMART LIDAR System is equipped with a proprietary scanning lidar that autonomously monitors 3D fine dust concentration in real-time, covering a vast expanse both vertically and horizontally.
This advanced scanning capability allows for unparalleled accuracy in detecting and analyzing pollutants, providing critical insights into their spatial distribution and potential health impacts. Furthermore, the system's ability to simultaneously assess concentrations of fine dust (PM10) and ultrafine dust (PM2.5) sets a new standard for comprehensive dust analysis, enabling stakeholders to gain a holistic understanding of air quality dynamics.
Continuous monitoring is a hallmark feature of the SMART LIDAR System, allowing for round-the-clock measurement and analysis of pollutants regardless of environmental conditions. This ensures that fluctuations in air quality, whether caused by seasonal variations or sudden industrial activities, are promptly detected and addressed.
In addition to its advanced technical capabilities, this system incorporates elements of stealth surveillance, utilizing nearly invisible laser light to discreetly monitor emissions from industrial complexes and other sources. This covert monitoring approach enhances regulatory enforcement efforts by minimizing the risk of detection and evasion by violators. Moreover, the system's cost-effective efficiency is a testament to its practicality and scalability. By delivering equivalent accuracy to thousands of low-cost sensors at a fraction of the cost, the SMART LIDAR System offers an economically viable solution for air quality monitoring and enforcement.
Collaboration lies at the heart of the SMART LIDAR System's success, with key partnerships forged between academic institutions, governmental agencies, and private sector entities. Pukyong National University's pivotal role in developing the air quality analysis algorithm underscores the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration in driving technological innovation.
Furthermore, partnerships with regulatory bodies such as the Gyeonggi-do Metropolitan Environment Management Office have facilitated joint initiatives to crack down on companies suspected of engaging in illegal emissions discharge. These collaborative efforts underscore the multifaceted approach adopted in advancing air quality monitoring and enforcement capabilities, leveraging the collective expertise and resources.

Innovation Description

What Makes Your Project Innovative?

The SMART LIDAR System revolutionizes air quality monitoring and emission regulation with its innovative features:
Advanced Scanning: Equipped with cutting-edge scanning lidar technology, it autonomously monitors 3D fine dust concentration, providing accurate insights across a wide field of view.
Comprehensive Analysis: Capable of assessing fine dust (PM10) and ultrafine dust (PM2.5) simultaneously, crucial for understanding their spatial distribution during 24-hour
Stealth Surveillance: Utilizes nearly invisible laser light for covert emissions monitoring, enhancing regulatory efforts.
Cost-Effective: Offers equivalent accuracy to approxiationaly 10,000 conventional sensors, providing a cost-efficient solution.
Heat Mapping: Precise identification of highly polluted areas.
Air Quality Improvement: Enhances air emission management, resulting in tangible improvements in local air quality and community well-being.

What is the current status of your innovation?

Presently, the SMART LIDAR System operates continuously, monitoring areas suspected of illegal emissions within the Sihwa National Industrial Complex at 16-minute intervals. Analysis reveals hourly air quality fluctuations, notably a rapid increase in fine dust concentration within the Industrial Complex from 8:00 onwards, peaking between 09:00 and 14:00.
In December 2023, targeted crackdowns are planned in areas with elevated fine dust concentrations, focusing on 64 factories including those in clothing dyeing and metal manufacturing. These efforts aim to validate air emissions permits, ensure proper operation of air quality prevention facilities, and assess compliance with pollutant conversion measures. Investigations into damage to pollution prevention infrastructure and on-site inspections of suspected illegal factories are conducted.
For violators, concrete evidence is gathered underscoring the commitment to improving pollutant emissions.

Innovation Development

Collaborations & Partnerships

The SMART LIDAR System's development stemmed from collaborative efforts between AICT and Samwoo TCS inc., supported by research funding from Gyeonggi Province. Pukyong National University contributed significantly to developing the analysis algorithm. The Tech University of Korea provided a test-bed for the system's demonstration. Partnership with the Gyeonggi-do Metropolitan Environment Management Office led to joint initiatives targeting companies suspected of illegal emissions discharge.

Users, Stakeholders & Beneficiaries

This system provides crucial research data for local governments, aiding in-depth analysis of factors contributing to fine dust generation. By pinpointing periods of heightened fine dust concentrations, it enables targeted reduction policies, potentially alleviating budgetary strains. Moreover, its widespread adoption safeguards resident health and minimizes direct and indirect damages from fine dust pollution and promoting public health and environmental sustainability.

Innovation Reflections

Results, Outcomes & Impacts

Since SMART LIDAR System's implementation, a significant reduction in emissions violations has been noted, resulting in an overall air quality improvement of about 9% across numerous factories in the Sihwa National Industrial Complex. Areas targeted by crackdowns saw an even more substantial 15% improvement. Additionally, smaller factories witnessed increased operating of air pollution prevention facilities, leading to a natural decrease in odorous gas emissions and related complaints from locals. Through detailed analysis of fine dust distribution, optimal locations for park facilities have been identified, enhancing public recreational spaces.

Challenges and Failures

Despite the significant advancements of the SMART LIDAR System, certain challenges have surfaced during its implementation. Traditional concentration measurement methods were limited in densely populated areas, prompting the adoption of laser-based fine dust scanning lidar. However, concerns about laser safety necessitated meticulous design to ensure observer and public safety. Deployment of lasers also posed risks to aircraft, leading to safety protocols including prior approvals and avoidance functions. By proactively addressing these challenges, we have maintained safety standards while advancing the SMART LIDAR System, demonstrating our commitment to responsible innovation and community welfare.

Conditions for Success

Efficient technological development is pivotal, requiring a safe lidar system and advanced technology for high-resolution mapping. Collaboration with AICT and Samwoo TCS inc., along with partnerships with local universities, ensures project advancement. Adequate resource and financial support, including research funds from Gyeonggi Province, sustain project momentum. Compliance with aviation safety and environmental regulations guarantees safety, while continuous engagement with national/local governments, research institutions, and residents meets user and stakeholder needs.


The project emphasized interdisciplinary collaboration, particularly in enforcing illegal air pollutant emissions. Adoption of the SMART LIDAR System enhanced efficiency by enabling real-time monitoring over broader areas. A user-centric approach ensured alignment with stakeholders' needs. Safety and regulatory compliance were paramount, maintaining system reliability. Continuous monitoring and evaluation facilitated ongoing improvements for sustainable enforcement. Overall, the project underscored the importance of collaboration, technology adoption, and stakeholder engagement in effective enforcement efforts.

Lessons Learned

The project emphasized interdisciplinary collaboration, particularly in enforcing illegal air pollutant emissions. Adoption of the SMART LIDAR System enhanced efficiency by enabling real-time monitoring over broader areas. A user-centric approach ensured alignment with stakeholders' needs. Safety and regulatory compliance were paramount, maintaining system reliability. Continuous monitoring and evaluation facilitated ongoing improvements for sustainable enforcement. Overall, the project underscored the importance of collaboration, technology adoption, and stakeholder engagement in effective enforcement efforts.

Supporting Videos

Year: 2023
Level of Government: Regional/State government


  • Generating Ideas or Designing Solutions - finding and filtering ideas to respond to the problem or opportunity
  • Developing Proposals - turning ideas into business cases that can be assessed and acted on
  • Implementation - making the innovation happen

Innovation provided by:

Date Published:

27 June 2024

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