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This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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Ethical OS Toolkit

Champion CHAMPION:
Can be remixed
The resource contains tools for visualizing and anticipating future risk of technology products, acknowledging that once technology is released and reaches scale it may be used for purposes beyond the original intention. The toolkit contains foresight methods, including 14 scenarios, for kicking off important conversations with product teams--including examples of current signals of future trends. It also contains a Risk Mitigation Manual with 8 risk zones where hard-to anticipate and unwelcome…

Australia Digital Service Standard

Champion CHAMPION:
Can be remixed
The purpose of the standard is to provide guidance for those in the Australian government or anyone who designs or provides government digital services regarding the provision of simple, clear and fast services. It includes 13 criteria, rationale, information about meeting the standard, design principles, service design and delivery process, related training and guides, and a glossary. The resource also includes downloadable posters.

Growing government innovation labs: an insider’s guide

This resource gives the real story of how government innovation labs develop in the development context in Eurasia, Asia and Middle East: organic and people-driven, often operating under the radar until safe to emerge. It shares a truthful examination of the twists and turns of seeding, starting up and scaling labs, covering the challenges UNDP faced and their failures, as much as their successes. It includes in-depth histories and lessons regarding 4 UNDP innovation labs. The resource is meant…

Responsible Research and Innovation Toolkit

This online repository contains knowledge products, tools, inspiring practices, and projects to guide those interested in developing a research and innovation system that puts societal needs and desires at its center. The repository can be filtered by who it is useful for, topic, expertise required, related social challenge, category, and language. The site also offers a self-reflection tool to assess your research and innovation practice on the basis of Ethics, Gender Equity, Governance, Open…

Do-it-Yourself Open Data Toolkit

Basic BASIC:
Allows reuse
The Do-it-Yourself (DIY) Open Data Toolkit provides a step-by-step guidance on how to develop an open data initiative. The Toolkit is primarily intended for municipalities that have not yet begun an open data project and need some guidance on how to implement one. It can also be referenced by other governments or organizations who are considering initiating an open data initiative. The toolkit includes: Open data orientation, Planning considerations, Publishing sample data sets, Adopting an open…

Open Data Toolkit

Champion CHAMPION:
Can be remixed
The Open Data Toolkit provides guidance intended for South Australia agencies and local councils release open data, although can be adapted to other contexts. It includes guidance on the following steps: Identify, Classify, Approach, Approve, Publish, Maintain. It includes suggestions on governance decisions and roles as well as privacy, public value, and intellectual property guidance.
A toolkit targeting journalists and includes concrete guidance on how to use their rights to access information. It is based on a comparative analysis of the access to information laws in the region covered by the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, which has 56 participating states in Europe, Central Asia and North America; of these 45 have legal provisions on the right of access to information held by public bodies which are reviewed in this analysis. It is available in 13…

Toolkit for Advancing Legislative Openness

This resource aims to enrich the efforts of parliaments and their civil society counterparts to engage in collaborative processes, either as part of the Open Government Partnership National Action Plan or otherwise. The first section focuses on the development of open parliament commitments. The second section shares the experiences of a variety of parliaments and civil society organisations in collaborating in the creation of parliamentary openness commitments and in developing ongoing…

Validation Guide

Champion CHAMPION:
Can be remixed
The publisher defines validation as the process of gathering evidence and learnings around business ideas through experimentation and user testing, in order to make faster, informed, de-risked decisions. The Validation Guide contains guidance and several tools, including an Assumption Mapper and Experimentation Execution Card for designing and setting up experiments to test ideas and products in iterative ways. The intended audience is large private companies but the principles and tools can…

New Zealand Digital Service Design Standard

The purpose of the standard is to provide guidance for those in the New Zealand government or anyone who designs or provides government services regarding the provision of accessible, integrated, inclusive public services. It includes principles, rationale, information on how to meet the standard, related implementation guidance and resources, and a glossary.