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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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Reference Panels, also known as Citizens' Assemblies, Commissions and Juries, are an example of long-form deliberative processes that are frequently used by governments and public agencies to obtain detailed guidance on important and sometimes controversial policies. Based on the publisher's experience with reference panels, they offer eight moves from their playbook to help others plan their own deliberative process.

18F Product Guide

Hero HERO:
Editable source files available
This guide is for people at 18F (a United States Federal Government technology transformation agency) who are wondering what to expect from a product manager on their team, as well as for product managers and those filling that role to understand what their team expects from them. This guide also serves as a resource for product management best practices at 18F. This guide could be used in other governments looking for product management guidance.

18F Method Cards

Hero HERO:
Editable source files available
A collection of tools that describe how 18F digital service teams put human-centered design into practice. These cards are focused on design in the context of digital services, but can be adapted to non-technical design projects as well. The resource is online and also available as printable cards. The card set includes simplified information on various design methods according to an overall methodology: Discover, Decide, Make,Validate. There are also "Fundamentals" cards related to incentives,…

The Brains, Behavior & Design Toolkit

The toolkit is designed to be both informative and actionable - helping integrate the latest research in human behavior and decision making into practice. The toolkit features five tools to help designers apply findings from the field of behavioral economics to their practice in order to provide a head start on framing research as well as developing new strategies for solving user problems. The toolkit includes: Reference Cards: behavioral economics research findings organized and…

Polak Game

Over a dozen years of use to date, the game represents an accessible approach to introducing "images of the future" as a basic property of both cultures and individuals, and can be used as an introduction for more advanced futures and foresight tools and frameworks. It provides a structure for facilitating conversation among groups of participants and intended for groups. Duration is flexible, but typically runs 30-60 minutes. The resource provides step-by-step guidance for how to run the game…

UNDP Foresight Manual

This manual introduces strategic foresight as a practice in the context of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. It was created with consideration for the resource constraints in developing country contexts, so proposes light-touch and low-cost methods. However, it could easily be applied elsewhere. The manual features a selection of methods and techniques suited for framing development or policy discussions, but there are many methods and techniques available that are considered part of…

MaRS Library

The MaRS Library contains articles, templates, reports, workbooks, reference guides and videos covering a range of topics, including accounting, funding, governance, intellectual property, leadership, legal issues, marketing, product management, selling, social innovation, strategy and talent. It is intended for an entrepreneurial context, but it can be adapted for a public sector organisational context.

Policy Methods Toolbox

The Policy Methods Toolbox is a repository of policy development methods that helps policy practitioners identify and select the right approach for their policy initiative. It is organised into four themes: Start Right: a light touch approach to making the best start in policy projects. Behavioural insights: the study of human behaviour, often drawing upon the empirical research in fields including economics, psychology and sociology. Design thinking: also known as human-centred design,…

Grounded Change

Grounded Change is an approach and social innovation methodology used by the company InWithForward. It means flipping the order in which most social policies & services are made. Rather than start at the top, in boardrooms, they start at the bottom, with user needs. They have named 7 kinds of interactions that they believe are the most important to weave into policy, procurement, service delivery, and community activities. This resource contains the context, reasons, and mechanisms of Grounded…

Public Sector Innovation Toolkit

Champion CHAMPION:
Can be remixed
Toolkit developed by the Australian central government, this resource offers 28 pieces of guidance, methods, or techniques for different stages of an organisational innovation lifecycle. The resource includes an Innovation Diagnostic to get a snapshot on which phase of the innovation cycle an agency might need to focus on.