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This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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The Servitization Mapping canvas is a practical tool intended for business-to-business manufacturers to explore strategic directions in a servitization shift, that is shifting from a product focus to a service focus. While this resource is oriented toward the private sector, public sector organisations, being primarily service organisations, may find it helpful for refining their service portfolios and being more service user-focused. The canvas is a template to map an existing product and…

Co-designing schools toolkit

Champion CHAMPION:
Can be remixed
This resource is for creating equitable change in schools and learning environments. It helps build the capacity of school communities and learning coordinators to set and pursue equity aspirations, so that every student is future-ready, no matter their background, circumstances, or learning preferences. The resource is based on a design thinking process and includes an overview, methods, and instructions that are specifically tailored to learning environments. The resource includes sections:…

PROMPT – Design for Policy Toolkit

The Design for Policy toolkit PROMPT is targeted toward policymakers who wish to identify where design can add value to the policy cycle process by enhancing user and citizen participation. The majority of the design tools included in the resource are common qualitative research and design methods and follow a gradual shift in emphasis from data-centred policy to people-powered policy, according to the publishers. PROMPT has been collaboratively developed by PDR - International Design and…

SISCODE toolbox for co-creation journeys

Champion CHAMPION:
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The main goal of the SISCODE Toolbox is to provide support for the co-creation labs in making sense of existing data, tools and toolkits. Co-creation is a non-linear process that involves multiple actors and stakeholders in the ideation, implementation and assessment of product services, policies and systems. The resource aims to improve their efficiency and effectiveness, and the satisfaction of those who take part in the process. The SISCODE Toolbox aims to facilitate the design and…

Platform-way-of-working toolkit

Hero HERO:
Editable source files available
This toolkit allows organisations to change their mindset and move from a project-oriented approach towards a platform-way-of-working that is designed to tackle complex problems. The toolkit was developed and tested by the Danish Design Centre in collaboration with United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and 40+ country offices. The toolkit consists of several mapping exercises. After using the integrated Mission Statement Generator to create an ambitious yet realistic mission statement,…

Remodel – A toolkit for open source business models

Champion CHAMPION:
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The REMODEL toolkit is targeted at companies producing products and is focused on developing economically sustainable business models through the principle of open source. While the toolkit is private-sector-oriented, some of the co-creation principles and methods can also apply to some areas of the public sector. The toolkit was published based on the experience of REMODEL with 8 Danish companies in 2018. The toolkit consists of 7 work packages and each part has a step-by-step instruction and a…

The DIN model

Basic BASIC:
Allows reuse
The DIN model is a methodology for developing solutions using a design-driven approach with the goals of achieving better and more innovative processes and outcomes, increasing probability of implementation, and improving user satisfaction. The model helps explore all the potential pitfalls, possibilities and limitations, particularly in the "front end" or early stage of projects. The DIN model consists of a series of phases and four ‘gates’. Each phase contains a variety of activities and…

Creating City Portraits: A methodological guide from The Thriving Cities Initiative

Basic BASIC:
Allows reuse
Creating City Portraits is a methodological guide for downscaling the Doughnut, and Doughnut Economics (based on the book and model of the same name), to the city and turning it into a tool for transformative action. This guide describes the methodology and introduces principles to consider at the city level as well as the interconnections between different scales, from household to global, to transform a city to a thriving and also ecologically and socially responsible one. The guide focuses on…
The handbook follows a co-design logic in terms of process, principles and practical tools to support practitioners in the design and implementation of system mapping processes by highlighting the knowledge management component. This resource provides rationale and guidance on the challenge-led system mapping approach, including facilitation guidance for running mapping workshops. This resource helps mapping practitioners: • visualise the diversity of innovation projects as a manageable set of…

Playbook for Strategic Foresight and Innovation

Champion CHAMPION:
Can be remixed
playbook for strategic foresight
This resource contains a method library and playbook for commonly used strategic foresight tools, organised by a guiding framework of five planning phases (perspective, opportunity, solution, team, and vision). While it does contain the tools themselves, the resource also contains extensive guidance on each method, including overall guidance, examples, instructions, insights, tips, and tool templates. It also contains overall guiding principles, underlying theories, and considerations for using…