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SIMPATI (Sistem Informasi Pencegahan Stunting Terintegrasi – Integrated Stunting Prevention Information System)

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The Local Government of Sumedang Regency, Indonesia has developed a new platform, ‘SIMPATI (Sistem Informasi Pencegahan Stunting Terintegrasi - Integrated Stunting Prevention Information System)’, as a tool to collect real-time data to make stunting reduction programs more effective and integrated. Through the SIMPATI platform, the government has a way of improving stunting reduction program, increasing stunting data management, and decreasing the stunting rate to solve the problem.

Innovation Summary

Innovation Overview

Indonesia’s development requires qualified human resources to cope every challenges. Currently, Indonesia is entering a period of demographic bonus, where the proportion of productive population is higher than the number of non-productive population and it will achieve the peak in 2030. However, the prevalence of stunting has become a national concern and needs serious attention, because it can decrease the quality of people, especially the young generation.
In 2018, the stunting prevalence figure of Sumedang Regency is above average national figure. Internal evaluation has shown that management of stunting prevention data in Sumedang Regency is inadequate because of limited stunting data availability, doubtful stunting data quality and difficulty in accessing stunting data, so the stunting prevention program is off target. The innovation created by the Local Development Planning, Research and Development Bureau of Sumedang Regency is a breakthrough to use information technology as a tool to collect real-time data to make stunting reduction programs more effective and integrated.
The objectives of this initiative are:
1. Providing data on toddlers and coverage of interventions to accelerate stunting reduction and prevention programs that are fast, dynamics and accurate.
2. Providing materials for policy making to reduce and prevent stunting.
3. Measuring the effectiveness of the performance of stunting reduction and prevention programs.
4. Learning media for stunting reduction and prevention programs.
To achieve these objectives, the Local Government of Sumedang Regency has implemented this application in all subdistricts by recruiting community’s cadres to help seek primary data on toddler and pregnant women. POSYANDU (Integrated Healthcare Services Pos) cadres and KPM (Human Development Cadres) take important roles as first data collector and as liaison with the community. Most of the cadres are women from all ages and background, who work voluntarily with their sincerity and compassion. They are also not immune in getting new skills relating to high tech tools such as using smartphones and electronic applications.
Posyandu and Human Development cadres input toddlers’ identity (name, age, address) and weighing results at POSYANDU directly in SIMPATI application so that it can show the latest updating data from time to time. Then, regional officers’ task force input data on stunting toddlers and the coverage of stunting reduction interventions in each village, including to provide recommendation for handling them. Through SIMPATI dashboard, all stakeholders can see the condition of the scope of intervention and see recommendations for improvement in each village so that stakeholders can take the right policies to overcome these problems. As the result, the stunting figure in Sumedang Regency has been reduced. Because of its simplicity, we hope that more areas in Indonesia, and maybe other places, with high stunting figure can replicate this inn

Innovation Description

What Makes Your Project Innovative?

SIMPATI is an innovation in public health services because:
1. It is a breakthrough to use information technology as a tool to collect real-time data of 29 essential indicators in each village to make stunting reduction programs more effective and integrated. The use of artificial intelligence on the SIMPATI Platform also makes it easier for all stakeholders to understand the roles and tasks that must be conducted in preventing stunting.
2. It is simple and easy to use and to follow the instructions. This data also can be easily accessed by all stakeholders as information for stunting interventions according to their respective authorities.
3. It is designed as a pentahelix concept involving government, community, state-owned enterprises, academics and media collaboration. Through this collaboration, it is to be expected that many parties will be more aware and support the solution of stunting problem.

What is the current status of your innovation?

As of this date of submission in January 2024, this platform has already been implemented for around three years since 2020. There is already significant result in decreasing stunting figure from 32.3% in 2018 to 7.89% in 2023. The monitoring and evaluation have been held twice every year, and there is also an annual meeting with all the stakeholders about this project.
This is a multi-year and long-run program, so it is still running until Sumedang Regency can achieve ‘zero new stunting’ status. However, this application is always updated and added with new features to improve and advance its services, such as distribute smartwatch that connect to SIMPATI app in smartphone based on Bluetooth connection that can be used to detect early condition on pregnant women, especially the high-risk ones.

Innovation Development

Collaborations & Partnerships

The Local Development Planning, Research and Development Bureau of Sumedang Regency designed the initial concept with input from academics about stunting prevention program in Sumedang Regency. Then, PT. Telkomsel (state-owned enterprise) through its Corporate Social Responsibility fund provided IDR 3 billion to assist the program. The budget itself is managed by PT. Sawala, a media and software development based in Sumedang Regency, which helped to build and to teach the application to POSYANDU

Users, Stakeholders & Beneficiaries

The implementation of SIMPATI has led to a significant impact on increasing the effectiveness of stunting prevention program acceleration and decreasing stunting prevalence rate among toddlers in Sumedang Regency. It is also an example of successful collaboration among local government, academics, state-owned enterprise, and local enterprise. Meanwhile, for NGOs and the community, SIMPATI is a medium for collaboration and educational programs to get improved public health services.

Innovation Reflections

Results, Outcomes & Impacts

The implementation of SIMPATI has reduced the stunting figure in Sumedang Regency from 32.3% in 2018 to 7.89% in 2023. Data measurement has been conducted by 1700 POSYANDU cadres and 277 Human Development cadres from 277 villages and 26 subdistricts in Sumedang Regency. The data can be used in local, regional and national context with annual evaluation undertaken by the Development Planning Bureau of West Java Province and the Indonesian Ministry of Home Affairs.
This program will continue to run and maintain until Sumedang Regency can achieve ‘zero new stunting’ status. Furthermore, because of its simplicity, we hope that more areas in Indonesia and other places with high stunting figure can replicate this innovation.

Challenges and Failures

The program faced several challenges. First, though PT. Telkomsel supported through its CSR, Sumedang Regency should provide funding for training and technical assistance for government officials involved in this program. Second, complicated coordination of thousands of cadres who are basically volunteers. Third, technological error that often happens. In response, there are several efforts that have been made. Firstly, we seek support from central and provincial government to aid the program. Secondly, we take a personal approach to communicate with cadres and make sure that we show our appreciation of their dedication. And, lastly, our IT (Information Technology) team always develops, operates, and maintains the application system.

Conditions for Success

The Government of Indonesia is committed to resolve extreme poverty and stunted growth eradication to achieve the first and second Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Indonesia. Stunting prevention has put as one of national priority program in the National Mid Term Planning Document (RPJMN) 2019-2024 and led directly by President and Vice President with 5 (five) pillars of stunting prevention. In regional level, the SIMPATI platform has been stated in local government policy through Sumedang Regent Regulation Number 405 of 2022 concerning the Acceleration of Decreasing and Integrated Stunting Prevention.


SIMPATI is designed as a simple application that is easy to operate and use. In addition, SIMPATI’s program business process is easy to replicate. Because of its simplicity, we think that our innovation is replicable in other places.
The successful of SIMPATI has been recognized by invited to present at the National Coordination Meeting of Regional Heads of Government, also attended by the President of Republic of Indonesia, who stated to replicate this application to regions with high stunting rates in Indonesia. As such, the West Java Governor has asked that SIMPATI to be implemented in all regencies/cities in West Java Province. There are 170 Regents and Mayors who have visited Sumedang and made MOU about replicating SIMPATI.

Lessons Learned

The SIMPATI innovation has shown the digital transformation in local government because this kind of platform is the first system applied in district level to conduct stunting prevention program in Indonesia. The use of artificial intelligence on the SIMPATI Platform also makes it easier for all stakeholders to understand the roles and tasks that must be conducted in stunting prevention.
As part of reducing of stunting prevalence rate of Sumedang Regency, we do not seek to decrease the figure only, but also develop networking with other stakeholders, especially with cadres as volunteers who show the courage to acquire new skills related to high-tech tools such as using smartphones and applications, and share stunting prevention awareness.

Anything Else?

We convince that several strategies will ensure the sustainability of this innovation. First, institutional strategy is to issue legal regulations about stunting prevention program. Second, social strategy is to inform data about stunting from village, subdistrict and regency so that all stakeholders can take their roles in stunting prevention and alleviation according to their respective abilities and authorities. Third, management strategy, is to train and provide guidance for cadres and officials to operate the smartphone and application. In addition, we believe that the understanding of public needs and strong commitments from all stakeholders are the keys to sustaining our innovation.

Project Pitch

Supporting Videos

Year: 2020
Level of Government: Local government


  • Implementation - making the innovation happen
  • Evaluation - understanding whether the innovative initiative has delivered what was needed

Innovation provided by:


Date Published:

27 June 2024

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