Behavioural Insights Projects
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When firms in the UK do not follow the Financial Conduct Authority’s (FCA) Rules or Principles, and consumers incur financial losses as a result, the FCA seeks to ensure customers receive adequate compensation, or redress. In 2011/12, the FCA helped obtain over £150 million worth of redress for consumers. Instances where consumers are due redress do not often receive publicity. Instead, the firm alerts customers to a potential issue, usually in the form of a letter that gives customers…
BI Project
Promising circular business models: what options for a sustainable purchase are acceptable to…
A circular business model promotes reuse of products and materials. A case in point is a model where consumers return their jeans to the manufacturer after use. Which circular business model characteristics are consumers willing to accept right now, and what do they refuse? Acceptance of these models seems to increase if companies offer effective or appealing option combinations, such as monthly payment schedules and discounted returns.
Why this experiment was conducted: to promote the circular…
To help improve the impact of cyber security advice for individuals and small businesses, BETA partnered with the Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) to design and test different formats of advice. We conducted focus groups and two survey experiments (surveys with embedded randomised controlled trials) to understand whether behavioural insights concepts are effective in shifting people’s intentions to enact safer cyber security practices. We surveyed small and medium business (SMB) owners…
Countries across the globe suffer from high rates
of youth unemployment and inactivity. The Maldives
are not immune. Despite efforts by the government
to increase employment opportunities among
young Maldivians, including the establishment
of employment quotas for nationals, results have
been underwhelming. Young people face barriers
such as social and gender norms around women’s
role in society, absence of role models to look up
to, and few jobs perceived as “suitable” for…
BI Project
Stabilization of blood supply and demand for the National Transfusion Service of the Slovak Republic
Analysis of the preferences of current blood donors and development of a strategy for launching a behavioral blood donor registry.
The project’s goal was to increase voter turnout among potential voters: registered voters who participated in one or fewer primary elections since 2000. Voting is a high-salience, socially important behavior that is essential to a functioning democratic society. While campaigns and organizations spend millions of dollars to increase voter turnout, recent research suggests that simple interventions like facilitating plan-making can help people follow through on their intentions.
BI Project
Website helps homeowners choose the right sustainability measures: which…
This online experiment tested various ways in which sustainability measures for homeowners are presented on the website, ‘improve your home’. The variant emphasising that the sustainability measures are 'recommended for your personal situation' proved to be most effective. This addition acts as an incentive to homeowners to install roof insulation or adopt other sustainability measures.
Why this experiment was conducted: website optimisation
The Environment Act 1986 established the Ministry for the Environment (MfE), which is the primary adviser of the New Zealand Government on environmental matters. The purpose statement for the MfE is “A flourishing environment for every generation – He taiao tōnui mō ngā reanga katoa [te reo version, the indigenous language of the Māori people].
MfE is actively engaged in reducing waste across the country, as illustrated by the recent Aotearoa New Zealand Waste Strategy. To lead by…
The Environmental Habits and Values Survey (2020) aims to explore the values, opinions, attitudes and behaviour of Barcelona's citizens in relation to the environment, sustainability and climate change. This study was launched in 2000 and is carried out every four years. This year, 2024, the questions have been revised and the project is on-going.
The series has a dual value: on the one hand, it provides a snapshot of the values and attitudes of Barcelona residents at the time the survey is…
Not all UWV clients who receive unemployment benefit post their CVs on This prevents them from being found or matched for a job. Would it help to send them a reminder to their personal Work Folder as well as a text message? Yes it would: this experiment shows that five times more clients are then prompted to put their CV online, compared to clients who are not sent a reminder.
Why this experiment was conducted: missing CVs
25% of jobseekers on unemployment benefit who are asked to post…