Behavioural Insights Projects
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We seek to increase voluntary appearances for people with outstanding Warrants to Arrest (WTA) through reminder phone calls from Māori Wardens and Police. This Auckland-based project follows a proof-of-concept trial in the Eastern District, in which Māori Wardens made phone calls to people with outstanding WTAs and we compared voluntary appearances for those who were reached via phone to those who were not.
While this first trial showed indicative evidence that phone calls may be effective,…
Using a place-based approach and working with profiled local communities in Coventry, we prototype and test a new experimental methodology with elements of design thinking to better understand barriers to engagement with retrofit measures designed to reduce household carbon emissions and alleviate fuel poverty. We partner with Coventry City Council, a local school and artists to deliver a pilot scheme in the Radford area of Coventry and aim in future to expand the project to additional areas…
In Germany there are significant gaps in measles vaccination which lead to repeated outbreaks of the disease. Vaccinations do more than just protect the recipient against infection. They also protect people who cannot be vaccinated, for example infants or people with certain chronic illnesses. However, many adults do not know that they are not completely vaccinated against measles. In order to close this information and vaccination gap, wirksam regieren compared various possible ways to provide…
The Program of Applied Research on Climate Action in Canada (PARCA Canada) combines behavioural science (BeSci) insights and methods with robust policy analysis to promote climate action. One of the main areas of focus involves the launch of a longitudinal survey that will, over time, collect data on research questions of interest to the promotion of climate action in Canada (e.g. transportation, home energy use, waste management, engagement with nature, preparedness for extreme weather,…
Climate change is undoubtedly a challenge with deep - and increasingly complex - behavioural roots. High profile efforts are already underway in Canada through federal levers, like the carbon tax, energy efficiency regulations, and investments in clean technology, that further the Government of Canada's goals for decarbonization, electrification, energy-efficiency, and nature-based solutions. An additional tool to contribute to these efforts is evidenced-based, data-driven behavioural science…
Avoiding electrical waste and promoting the manufacture of and demand for sustainable electrical products are key goals for the Federal Government. To this end, transparency for consumers is to be improved. Whether a lifespan label for electrical products can help achieve this aim was tested in an empirical study. The findings show that a lifespan label would lead to 3 out of 100 consumers opting for a more expensive product with a longer lifespan. When the lifespan was combined with information…
30% of the requests CNAM (Primary health care institution in France) receives by phone or email could be made and treated online. In order to encourage use of online services, the CNAM solicited help from the DITP. This dematerialization would benefit the user by easing the access to services, to the administration workers by improving their work conditions and to the institutions through gains in efficience.
We chose to target a precise procedure: ordering a Carte Vitale (Health Care card) for…
BI Project
Levelling the playing field in police recruitment: Evidence from a field experiment on test…
How to increase diversity in the police is an unanswered question that has received significant political and media attention. One area of intervention is the recruitment process itself. This study reports the results of a randomized controlled trial (RCT) in a police force that was experiencing a disproportionate drop in minority applicants during one particular test. Drawing on insights from the literatures on stereotype threat, belonging uncertainty and values affirmation exercises, we…
Behavioural science in the context of climate change at its related health risks has mainly focused on understanding and changing individual behaviours. However, effectively addressing the climate crisis requires broadening the focus on systemic societal change. This level of change is required to mitigate the negative effects of climate change as well as help people adapt to the associated (health) risks. Fostering systemic societal change requires situation-specific, large-scale data that can…
BI Project
Reduced calf mortality at dairy farms: how can dairy farmers be encouraged to take proper care of…
To reduce calf mortality rates, the Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA) developed various letters for distribution amongst three subgroups of dairy farmers. The impact measurement shows that calf mortality decreased in the overall target group, although the letters did not produce any measurable outcomes.
Why this experiment was conducted: calf rearing necessitates a significant amount of care
Failure to ensure appropriate care for animals in dairy farming operations…