Report Launch | Achieving Cross-Border Government Innovation: Governing cross-border challenges

Over the last year, OPSI and the UAE Mohammed Bin Rashid Centre for Government Innovation (MBRCGI) have worked in partnership to identify leading themes and key practices and success factors underpinning cross-border government innovation efforts.
We are excited to announce the launch of our report Achieving Cross-Border Government Innovation: Governing cross-border challenges, which serves as the first report in a series of three on different aspects of cross-border innovation. The launch took place at the global virtual event “Government beyond Recovery: Towards a future-fit public sector”, at dedicated session featuring remarks from OECD and MBRCGI leaders, as well as experts and practitioners in cross-border governance featured in our report (see video below).
Click here to access the report.
Quotes from leaders cross-border innovation leaders:
Governments must strengthen the capacities of the public sector to innovate and collaborate across borders to tackle global challenges. Major challenges, from climate change to migration do not stop at national borders, and demand co-ordinated action across countries. To do this, we need a public sector that is capable of anticipating, collaborating, and shaping global responses.
Mathias Cormann, Secretary-General, OECD
The world is witnessing rapid global changes that calls for the need for cross-border partnership to design governments of the future. This report represents an essential tool for stakeholders to collaborate in order to develop public sector innovations and design governments of the future.
H.E. Huda Al Hashimi, Deputy Minister of Cabinet Affairs for Strategic Affairs, UAE
OPSI and the MBRCGI are the very definition of transnational cooperation, and this report is a vital outcome of their partnership. It does not underestimate the challenges of cross-border governance; instead, it provides a level-headed assessment without over-rationalisation or drama. It is, in short, essential reading.
Alexander Stubb, Former Prime Minister, Finance Minister and Foreign Minister of Finland (2008-16);
Professor and Director at the School of Transnational Governance at the European University Institute