Upcoming webinars – Innovation 101 and Canada Innovation System Review!
When we opened up registration for our first webinar, we knew there was pent up demand to use different mediums to share OPSI’s knowledge, expertise, and thinking, but we were not sure if webinars were the right solution. After three webinars, 450 attendees from over 70 countries, and countless requests asking for the recording and presentations, we feel we are on the right track.
Moving forward, we will be hosting webinars on a monthly basis. We’re going to continue our “Innovation 101” series that walks through the various parts of our innovation lifecycle. Also, we have gotten multiple requests for subjects like skills, systems thinking, best practices, and innovation trends. We accept and are excited by the challenge to broaden the themes of our webinars.
If we are going to help improve and advance public sector innovation and turn the new into the normal, we need to make sure we are delivering information in a format that makes it more available and accessible (and if you’re thinking “man, I wish they also had a podcast… stay tuned!)
Upcoming Webinars – Innovation 101 and Canada Innovation System Review!
November 27th: 3pm CET : Part 4 of Innovation 101: Implementation. Learn about the various implementation methodologies, including some tools that OPSI has created to help find the right implementation strategy for your context. Register here.
December 5th: 3:30pm CET: OPSI will give an overview of the findings from the first ever review of the innovation system of the Public Service of Canada.The session will look at Canada’s innovation journey, and what might need to be considered as it takes its next steps. Register here.
Missed a webinar? Don’t worry, we recorded it!
We know there is no ideal time to hold a webinar for a global audience. Because of this, we make sure to record all of our webinars and post them on OPSI’s youtube channel for people to watch on their own schedule, share with their network, and access on-demand.
We suggest subscribing to the channel so you can catch all of our upcoming content. Also, you can register for our newsletter which will always list any videos we’ve recently uploaded.
As always, we are grateful for any feedback about this work, so that we can ensure that we are developing something that is both helpful in understanding innovation and practical in undertaking innovation. We welcome your comments below, by email or on Twitter.