The Toronto Foundation created and funded a distance learning program for high schools that service populations with limited or no access to the internet. In two short weeks, a dial-in phone learning system was set up that connected 500 students with their teachers. The goal was to continue preparing these students for their matriculation exams that will take place in July 2020.
The response was designed to continue providing uninterrupted remedial instruction to high school students when the…
COVID-19 Innovative Response Tracker
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The Ministry of Health established a national database on COVID-19, including a central reporting mechanism for health organisations and full medical data on confirmed cases and test results. Aggregated data is used to inform decision makers on the spread of the virus and the appropriate response. Additionally, the ministry of health is promoting a secure platform for researchers and developers to access anonymised data, in accordance with the privacy protection law.
Release of COVID-19 open data (non-identifiable) on the following: testing; confirmed cases; hospitalisation; deaths; local statistics; mandatory isolations; demographics.
One of Israel’s largest health maintenance organizations is using artificial intelligence to help identify which of the 2.4 million people it covers are most at risk of severe covid-19 complications. Maccabi Healthcare Services says the system—which it developed with AI company Medial EarlySign—has already flagged 2% of its members, amounting to around 40,000 people. Once identified, individuals are put on a fast track for testing.
The AI was adapted from an existing system trained to…
In Israel, the Israel Innovation Authority (IIA) the Israeli Ministry of Economy and Industry, and the Manufacturers Association of Israel are calling on industrial facilities and companies to submit R&D plans for the increased production of coronavirus-related products. As part of the initiative, the government will offer financial support of 50% to 75% of expenses to plans that will demonstrate the potential to bolster the country’s healthcare system or provide breakthroughs in the fight…