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Mental Gym, that helps employees build a personalized habit of emotional hygiene.


Innovative response

Research shows, that employees’ poor mental health causes a drop in productivity by 36% and the rise of sick days. In fact, 50% of Millennials leave jobs because of it.
We believe that employees’ emotional hygiene must become a routine and taken care of by outside professionals. ​That’s why we created AOC – a Mental Gym, an objective partner, that helps to build a habit of exercising emotional fitness, anonymously and safely. Employees can train individually, with a community, or certified professionals, and based on tracked data – improve over time.

Learn more:

Specific issues addressed and anticipated impact

Research shows, that employees’ poor mental health causes a drop in productivity by 36% and the rise of sick days. In fact, 50% of Millennials leave jobs because of it. Due to COVID-19 and from its resulting global lockdown, mental health is projected to become a pandemic of its own. Replacing unproductive employee costs ~ $2000 - $7000 and the total cost of mental ill-health in Europe is estimated to be €240 billion/per year. Happier employees are more enthusiastic about their work and more likely to stay at their jobs.

Our ultimate goal is to destigmatize mental health and build a habit of exercising emotional fitness. We aim to keep employees happy and productive, and by doing so – promote healthier and impact-driven workplace.

Organisations/institutions involved

Lithuanian Psychological Association
Youth Line
Mental health Perspectives
Crisis Intervention Centre
Human Rights Monitoring Institute

Potential issues

We believe, that mental health is projected to become a pandemic of its own. Therefore we call all governments and businesses to destigmatize mental health together with us, by talking about it and offering solutions.

Level(s) of government:
  • National/Federal government
  • International Organisation

Issues being addressed:

  • Social effects of the crisis
  • Mental health

Response contact:

[email protected]



Date Submitted:

20 June 2020