Public sector loans or capital injections to businesses
COVID-19 Innovative Response Tracker
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The transparency portal provides a central overview of funding opportunities for citizens and companies in connection with the management of the COVID-19 crisis as well as a transparent presentation of the amount of support already paid out.
On request, electronic forms can be used to apply for the appropriate funding directly and without media breaks.
In addition, all support services granted should be recorded in the transparency database on a personal basis. On the one hand, this enables an…
The new information chatbot "Mona" on the Service Platform for Business (USP) answers important company-relevant questions: short-time work, hardship funds and other initiatives are quickly and easily explained.
The new chatbot "Mona" is intended to cover all relevant questions for companies on the subject of the corona crisis and the economy. The service of the Federal Ministry for Digitization and Business Location (BMDW) is available online on the USP website and can also be used on…
Covid-19 Response
Austria uses explanatory youtube videos for the processing of aid funds for the economy
The Austrian Business Service (AWS) website has detailed various initiatives about the Austrian government's responses for businesses, and used youtube videos to help better explain and communicate particular initiatives.
The Austrian Government has created a hardship fund as a "safety net for entrepreneurs". This fund provides for EUR 2 billion to provide rapid assistance for acute financial distress in the Corona crisis. Phase 1 is aimed at supporting self-employed persons suffering from huge falls in turnover. The hardship fund provides a grant that does not have to be repaid later.
An online service was established to enable quick processing of applications and avoid media brakes.
Austria is currently in an exceptional situation. A comprehensive package of measures to combat the spread of the corona virus has been put in place. A supporting measure is the proclamation of the extraordinary civil service.
In order to be able to perform extraordinary community service, these requirements must be met:
Civil service obligation: only for male Austrian citizens under the age of 50
Ordinary community service must be completed.
Full time (at least around 40 hours a week,…
The groceries assistants – labour power for the food chain.
In order to counteract the labour shortage in the food industry and during the harvest, the Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Tourism and Regions (BMLRT) established a central platform for the placement of workers.
The Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Regions and Tourism therefore provides a central platform for the registration of potential workers in the food chain.
This also enables affected companies in the food chain to register…
The job initiative is aimed at securing the employment of as many workers from the non-food trade by employing them temporarily in the food trade.
Non-food retailers who wish to temporarily employ parts of their staff in the food trade can use the job platform of the Austrian Retail Association. The consent of employees concerned is necessary. The platform also serves as a mediation platform between retailers and workers as food/near-food traders temporarily lack workers and private individuals…
Corona research package of EUR 23 million to increase research activities using artificial intelligence. The research package is intended to finance and accelerate clinical trials and testing of medicines and vaccines against Coronavirus. Moreover, the financial means are intended for research projects concerned with keeping primarily hospitals sterile.
Applications can be submitted to the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG).
The Homecare App of the City of Vienna is a valuable tool that allows patients and people who have been in contact with people who have tested positive for COVID 19 to be digitally monitored in their homes. Thus critical infrastructures in hospitals are protected and authorities are relieved.
All those who have been in contact with people infected with coronavirus must inform authorities and doctors about their state of health on a daily basis. This is especially true for people who have already…