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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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Patient Innovation Covid-19 Platform – Sharing solutions created by citizens to fight Covid-19


Innovative response

In response to the challenges imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic, several new and innovative solutions started arising all over the world, created by average citizens to solve those challenges and fight this disease. Especially during this time of crises, if these solutions could be medically validated and widely shared, their application could have a big impact and potentially save countless lives.

As such, Patient Innovation developed a platform dedicated specifically to the validation and sharing of solutions created all over the world to help the fight against Covid-19. The platform is free and continually being updated, with a wide range of solutions, covering topics such as: medical equipment (ventilators and protective masks), electronic devices or community initiatives.

The Patient Innovation Covid-19 platform can be found at:

Specific issues addressed and anticipated impact

Many times, proactive citizens create innovative solutions designed to face specific challenges they face in their lives, due to an illness or health condition, especially now, with society facing the Covid-19 pandemic. However, most of those solutions are only share within their personal community or through private social media accounts, never reaching a wide audience. The Patient Innovation Covid-19 platform, aims to share the solutions created to fight Covid-19, with the worldwide community, allowing them to be adopted and implemented all over the world.

The Patient Innovation platform is a project that counts on the support of 2 Nobel Prize Laureates and several world-renowned experts. To date, the platform has gathered a portfolio of over 1200 innovations and is accessed by more than 120.000 users worldwide, which translates to over 1 million visitors each year.

Organisations/institutions involved

Patient Innovation Association
Nova Medical School
Nova School of Business and Economics
Copenhagen Business School
Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian
Innovation at EDP

Potential issues

The platform will be in continuous evolution, to guarantee improvements in usability, interface and the number and variety of solutions published.

Level(s) of government:
  • Non-Profit/Civil Society

Issues being addressed:

  • Patient care
  • Health and safety of responders
  • Information and practice sharing (with public and/or internal)
  • Crowdsourcing solutions

Response contact:

[email protected]


Date Submitted:

29 April 2020