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GEMPOL PRIMADONA (Poncol Community Health Center Movement Fights HIV AIDS and STIs with Collaboration and Coordination Across Sectors and the Private Sector)


The number of undetected cases is a link in the chain of spread of HIV/AIDS in society, so massive efforts are needed to find new cases, not only at-risk populations but also in non-risk population groups with more innovative approaches. This Innovation is here as a solution to solve problems by raising commitment to build collaboration between the government, business world, NGOs and society to jointly fight HIV/AIDS with the aim of finding wider HIV/AIDS cases with more flexible activity times

Innovation Summary

Innovation Overview

HIV cases in Indonesia have spread to almost all regions quickly through various distribution patterns. The characteristics of people infected with HIV have also spread across age groups. The highest prevalence of HIV cases is at the age of 20-29 years, this means that HIV transmission occurs at the age of less than 20 years or in adolescence.

Central Java is in the top five provinces with the highest HIV cases in Indonesia after DKI Jakarta, East Java, West Java and Papua. The HIV/AIDS epidemic in Central Java from 1993 to September 2019 was 30,465, with details of 17,559 HIV cases, 12,906 AIDS cases and 1,915 people (14.8%) died. The number of HIV infections in 2019 in Central Java was 5,630 (11.19%) compared to Gorontalo's 48 cases (0.09%) of the number of cases in Indonesia.

The cumulative number of HIV/AIDS cases in Semarang City from 1995 to 2018 reached 5,044 cases (38.8%), while the estimated number of HIV/AIDS cases was 13 thousand. This means that there were 7,956 (61.2%) cases of HIV/AIDS in the community that were not detected. This number of undetected cases is a link in the chain of HIV/AIDS spread in society, so massive efforts are needed to find new cases, not only in risk populations but also in non risk population groups with more innovative approaches.

GEMPOL PRIMADONA's innovation is present as a solution to improve the control of HIV/AIDS and STIs, especially in the work area of the Poncol Community Health Center in a comprehensive and coordinated manner with cross-sectors, private parties, NGOs and the community to jointly fight HIV/AIDS by increasing HIV screening coverage rates. , where the general goal is to reduce to eliminate cases of new HIV infections, reduce to eliminate deaths related to HIV/AIDS and eliminate discrimination against PLHIV (People Living with HIV/AIDS).

GEMPOL PRIMADONA is an innovation that is included in the Health category. The activities carried out in this innovation are (1) HIV and STI testing via Extra Time Voluntary Counseling and Testing (VCT), availability of services and additional hours of HIV and STI testing and counseling services outside of Puskesmas working hours (2) HIV and STI testing via VCT Mobile, availability of HIV testing services and IMS outside the Community Health Center, VCT activities are carried out mobile to locations of the business world and private parties according to a predetermined schedule (3) Raising Commitment, Socialization, Coordination and Collaboration Across Sectors, Private Parties, NGOs and the community (4) Counseling for Youth Groups in Schools.

Innovation Description

What Makes Your Project Innovative?

The activities carried out in this innovation are (1)HIV and STI testing via Extra Time Voluntary Counselling and Testing (VCT), availability of services and additional hours of HIV and STI testing and counseling services outside of Puskesmas working hours (2)HIV and STI testing via VCT Mobile, availability of HIV testing services and IMS outside the Community Health Center, VCT activities are carried out mobile to locations of the business world and private parties (3)Raising Commitment, Socialization, Coordination and Collaboration Across Sectors, Private Parties, NGOs and the community (4)Counseling for Youth Groups in Schools.

This innovation is able to generate collaboration and involvement acros sectors, the private sector, NGOs and the community in efforts to control the incidence of HIV/AIDS cases optimally, The target of finding HIV/AIDS cases is broader, not only limited to risk groups, the time for implementing activities is more flexible with the addition of service hours.

What is the current status of your innovation?

GEMPOL PRIMADONA's innovation has had a very positive impact in finding HIV/AIDS cases in the Poncol Community Health Center, Semarang City, as evidenced by (1) increasing HIV test results (from 1103 to 1547 people per year); (2) increasing HIV case detection (from 28 to 70 people per year); (3) increased ARV access patient visits (from 21 to 85 visits).

Monitoring and evaluation of this innovation activities is carried out periodically twice a year by the Semarang City Health Service. To date, an internal evaluation has been carried out by conducting an internal audit evaluation using the innovation activity evaluation check list form and externally with the Semarang City Health Service and the Partnership, a meeting was held with a presentation of the evaluation of the results of the implementation of innovation activities that have taken place and are aimed at to ensure that this innovation continues and is useful and has a direct impact on reducing the death rate due to HIV/AIDS.

Innovation Development

Collaborations & Partnerships

Coordination, cooperation and collaboration between the Semarang Class II A Women's Prison, Senior high schools in the working area of the Poncol Community Health Center, outreach NGOs, NGOs assisting people with taking medication for PLHIV, Foundations, Communities, AIDS Concerned Citizens in the nine sub-districts of the working area Poncol Health Center and Private Parties (Hotels and Pubs) assisting the implementation of innovation activities and achieving indicators of innovation success.

Users, Stakeholders & Beneficiaries

Availability of AIDS Caring Citizens in nine sub-districts of the Poncol Health Center working area to provide assistance to People Living with HIV (PLHIV), invite the community to reduce the stigma of PLHIV and invite the community to undergo screening to check their HIV status.

The availability of NGO outreach and medication assistance for PLHIV also helps the discovery of new HIV cases, helps monitor PLHIV for access to ARVs in order to prevent the transmission of HIV/AIDS and STIs.

Innovation Reflections

Results, Outcomes & Impacts

This innovation has had a positive impact in finding HIV/AIDS cases in the Poncol Community Health Center, Semarang City, as evidenced by increasing HIV test results (from 1103 to 1547 people per year, an increase of 40.3%); increasing HIV case detection (from 28 to 70 people per year, an increase of 150%); increased ARV access patient visits (from 21 to 85 visits, an increase of 304%).
The Innovation Team needs to create an Innovation Program Plan for 2024, determine a Strategy for Sustainability of Innovation and Development of Innovation and Collaboration across internal programs related to HIV/AIDS and STI services so that they can be integrated including pharmaceutical counseling services, nutritional care and mental health screening.

Challenges and Failures

The existing obstacles and challenges, there are still private areas not ready to be screened, challenges in medication adherence, where there are still People Living with HIV who have lost follow-up (LFU), not all have had viral load tests, there are still those whose viral load results have not been suppressed, However, with support, cooperation, coordination and collaboration from the Semarang City Health Department, cross-sectors, AIDS care residents and NGOs help carry out activities in this innovation, NGOs are expected to be able to help track existing LFU and can provide information, motivation and support to PLHIV who have not carried out a Viral load test so immediately carry out a Viral Load test.

Conditions for Success

This innovation has been designed to ensure its sustainability is guaranteed because of the enormous benefits it can obtain in overcoming cases of HIV/AIDS and STIs. Several steps were taken to implement the following strategy:
1. Institutional Strategy, carried out by establishing regulations, Decree of the Head of the Poncol Community Health Center regarding the establishment of the GEMPOL PRIMADONA Innovation and Innovation Team
2. Social Strategy, developing various collaborations and coordination with cross-sectors, the private sector and NGOs
3. Managerial Strategy, implemented by improving the quality of management, through increasing the capacity of officers and implementing standard operational procedures for innovation activities.


This innovation has the potential and is very easy to be replicated by other health facilities related to the existence of policies and regulations for accelerated national HIV/AIDS control programs, the existence of local government policies in controlling HIV/AIDS, the availability of medical and paramedical personnel who have been trained to carry out HIV and disease screening activities. IMS, positive response from the community, across sectors and the private sector, NGOs and Partnerships as well as support and guidance from the Health Service and the Government in accordance with sustainable development goals (SDG'S) in Indonesia so that it can be developed in other regions.

Lessons Learned

We need to move together with the community to end AIDS. The message to be conveyed is that the role of the community in campaigning about the dangers and effects of AIDS is believed to be able to reduce the number of AIDS sufferers.

Community organizations living with, at risk of, or impacted by HIV are at the forefront of progress in the HIV response. Communities can also act as a bridge to the community.

There is still a need to increase knowledge from school age, among teenagers about HIV/AIDS and the importance of screening and prevention as well as eliminating stigma and discrimination towards People Living with HIV/AIDS and in terms of adherence to taking ARVs and reducing lost follow-up, joint efforts need to be made to end AIDS.

Project Pitch

Year: 2019
Level of Government: Local government


  • Evaluation - understanding whether the innovative initiative has delivered what was needed

Innovation provided by:


Date Published:

27 June 2024

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